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published in(发表于) 2016/9/22 16:04:48 Edit(编辑)
“Dead Alipay account“ is not totally unfounded,

“Dead Alipay account“ is not totally unfounded,(“人死了支付宝账号还在”,并非杞人忧天,)



"Dead Alipay account" is not totally unfounded-PayPal-IT information

Young people now are basically balance of payment card, Po, micro-change, money and other such accounts, warehouse express their wealth. However, the Internet in form of money, probably due to accidents involving masters and be forgotten. Recently, some netizens expressed such concerns, "I Alipay has more than 70,000 yuan, slightly more than 20,000 yuan, if I were to sudden unexpected death any day, the money will be what to do with (my family did not know the money)? ”

With deep effects on the economy of the Internet, more and more people put their money on the Internet. Such property is not a game such as pure virtual, and corresponds to the real property. General rules for Internet companies if the account is not used for a long time will be logged off, this means that personal property is likely to be "confiscated".

"People don't have the money", the current problems might not be very sharp, but will gradually increase the rate. This money cannot sleep, cannot become the property of Internet companies.

Entities also exist in the Bank in this case, but generally coping mechanisms. For example, banks every year some "dormant accounts" have more or less money, and some accounts have a secondary contact, the Bank can contact, or relatives with a bank card that allows parties to query. Network platform "dormant accounts" problem can be solved in this way.

"Dormant accounts" should establish a regular release system. As recommended by the professionals: "more than a certain amount, and platform providers should take the initiative to contact the parties concerned, or published on a regular basis. "In addition, should establish a public query system. In the real-name system, the "dormant accounts" corresponds to one specific person, account with bank card interchange. Internet companies should be allowed and supported the account owner's relatives queried by virtue of certain formalities. If "money", it should be promptly returned through certain procedures.

Some entities Bank is a good example. For example, Switzerland has always been known for its strict secrecy of banks, but in the first half of this year, Switzerland within the legislature amended the relevant Bank "forgotten" funds of the relevant legal provisions. Switzerland banks to break the "confidential" system, has posted a list of about 2600 people, hope for those "forgotten deposits" find the owner. Such a responsible attitude to customers, and banking, Internet companies.

"You pay" are not unfounded, everyone has to face this problem in the future. Both in terms of responsible attitude to customers, or from the viewpoint of promoting the healthy development of Internet banking, on the legislative level should attach to this issue. Of course, users should change traditional attitudes, develop a "will" of consciousness.

“人死了支付宝账号还在”,并非杞人忧天 - 支付宝 - IT资讯








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