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published in(发表于) 2016/9/22 16:04:33 Edit(编辑)
Statistics: only 28 sites nationwide,

Statistics: only 28 sites nationwide,(统计:朝鲜互联网一共只有28个网站,)



Statistics: only 28 websites nationwide-bird's, site-IT news

According to foreign media reports, for the outside world, North Korea is like a locked box, even a skilled hacker can hardly be a glimpse into North Korea's intranet "style". However, a mistake letting people open up North Korea's "network lock", to see the mystery of the mysterious Kingdom network.

This morning, users at Reddit sent on new post, with North Korea's official name is listed on the post. "KP." Website, strange thing is, it only 28 websites suddenly off guard, open to external networks.

New posts on the GitHub believes that North Korean Web sites suddenly opening up mainly because they open a new server, the server records the domain name information.

However, the opening was only temporary, North Korea quickly after discovering this vulnerability was blocked, but users have stopped. These sites cover multiple areas, including travel, cooking, there's even a Web site called

Judging from the screenshots, and if you don't understand Korean, probably could not see these pages have any difference, because they are a boring traditional appearance, without any of the popular Web design elements.

"We have always maintained that the DPRK's network resources are scarce, the accidental spill of substantiating our ideas. "A network company's researchers said.

Only 28 websites, the Korean people have really happy ... ...

?? Korean "retro" rich Web page

统计:朝鲜互联网一共只有28个网站 - 朝鮮,网站 - IT资讯









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