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published in(发表于) 2016/9/22 16:03:44 Edit(编辑)
Google’s most inspirational people: blind from age 16, became a doctor of laws,

Google’s most inspirational people: blind from age 16, became a doctor of laws,(谷歌最励志员工:16岁时双目失明,终于成为法学博士,)



Google's most inspirational people: blind from age 16, became a doctor of laws-Google, PhD-IT information

This is a perfectly ordinary day, Jack Chen got up from his home in New Jersey arrived at the Google Office in Chelsea, New York. Entire journey needs to transfer to a subway, and has some way to go. For thousands of office workers, it's not notable, but Chen and ordinary people are not the same, he is a blind persons with disabilities.

"Large and small pillars, just like you see in Pennsylvania station, are all my problems," Chen said, "but I found that if I was in the first pillar would probably turn to 45 degrees, I will be able to walk without bumping into it. ”

Chen was completely blind at age 16, when still in high school, but he was outstanding, after studying computer science at Harvard University, researcher of the year in DEC company's work to continue their education, obtain master's degrees in computer science from the University of Berkeley. At this point in 2000, after graduation Chen Xanboo company (later acquired by AT&T) as a systems engineer for 5 years, while at the same time at Fordham University (Fordham University) law school studies, in 2005 became a J.D. (doctor of laws).

Since 2005, Chen began his career as a lawyer, the first three years at Kenyon & Kenyon as a patent and trademark attorney, 2 years later went to the Boc is still responsible for patent matters, including patents, trade and patent protection. By the year 2010, Chen changed jobs again, become the Google patent branch of the Department, starting in 2014, overall responsibility for the Chrome browser-related patents.

Chen worked in Google and no different from other people, communicate with colleagues via Email, Google's VP of product Gayathri Rajan said that Chen never thought he was that the message exchange, and blind persons with disabilities, the "Google of people cannot come to tell you: our product engineers hi,Jack Chen, by the way, he was blind. ”

As can see, Chen only by auxiliary means using a computer, he can read on-screen text is on the table of the device. He also used iPhone, but the opening VoiceOver function. Generally speaking, Chen, using voice devices understand 620 words per minute, the rate for normal is simply unbelievable.

In six years, Chen alone from home to companies already familiar, he says his head is equipped with a map that may meet obstacles have overripe in mind. And his ears and nose to determine his position. His comings and goings of cars is very sensitive, able to listen to himself on the sidewalk or driveway, and crossing the road when the car was coming or past . As for the smell, street bakery and coffee shop are beacons, by probably where these will be able to judge their own.

Chen has a personal assistant, Carolyn Lewis, when unfamiliar with the need to receive Chen, lead by Lewis, she would help Chen deal with hotel order, airline security and other chores.

Chen was also in team participated in the CES Consumer Electronics Show early this year, Google VP of product before Gayathri fears Chen will go lost or causing any trouble, but it finally found was to much, Chen to participate in collective activities without any obstacles.

Amateur Chen likes sports, 5 times to complete a triathlon, including 2.8 km swimming tour, 180-kilometer, and 42-kilometer run. Chen to participate in sports, but how different he required long rope to hold swimming and running, or route. As for cycling, you need another person in front to control direction. He said preparation phase, he got up at 3 o'clock every day for exercise.

Triathlon bike

Chan at the age of 16 because of vision problems have had surgery, but unfortunately the surgery was not successful, "I have to have sustained damage to the optic nerve of the eye," said Chen, head involuntarily moving due to surgery and other eye retinal damage. Blindness in both eyes after all.

According to the Cornell University data, in 2014, there are 7 million visual disabilities across the United States, but only 27% people have full-time jobs, 60% people out of unemployment. For the blind, counsel may be the best career choice, in addition to Chen, well-known blind lawyer Haben Girma, another blind lawyer Chen Chen Guangchen and China.

In 2013, the United States Bar Association unveiled an initiative, calls on major law firm commitment should account for a certain proportion of persons with disabilities in the employment Attorney, whether mental disabilities, physical disabilities or sensory disabilities, can get a job at the bar. United States several major law firms have signed this commitment, but also include large corporations such as Microsoft and Starbucks, as well as a pharmacy chain Walgreens.

谷歌最励志员工:16岁时双目失明,终于成为法学博士 - 谷歌,博士 - IT资讯

这是再普通不过的一天,Jack Chen早早起床,他要从位于新泽西的家中赶到Google位于纽约切尔西的办公室。整个路途需要换乘一次地铁,并还要走一段路。对于千千万万上班族而言,这没什么值得关注的,但陈和普通人不一样,他是个残疾人双目失明。


陈在16岁时就完全失明,那时候还是高中,但他成绩优异,之后就读于哈佛大学获计算机专业,在DEC公司担任一年研究员的工作之后继续求学,获得伯克利大学计算机科学的硕士学位。此时是2000年,毕业后的陈在Xanboo公司(后来被AT&T收购)担任了5年的系统工程师,期间同时在福特汉姆大学(Fordham University)法学院进修,2005年成为一名J.D.(法学博士)。


陈在Google工作起来和其他人没有什么区别,与同事之间通过Email沟通,Google公司的产品副总Gayathri Rajan就表示,与陈邮件交流时从未想到他竟然是双目失明的残疾人,“Google的人不可能走过来告诉你:hi,Jack Chen即将担任我们的产品工程师,顺便说一句,他是个瞎子。”



陈有一名个人助理,叫Carolyn Lewis,当陈需要去不熟悉的接到,就由Lewis引路,她也会帮陈处理酒店订单、机票安检等杂事。





据康奈尔大学的数据,全美在2014年有700万存在视觉残疾,但其中只有27%的人有全职工作,60%的人完全出于失业状态。对于盲人而言,律师或许是最好的职业选择,除了陈,知名盲人律师还有Haben Girma,以及中国另一名陈氏盲人律师陈光陈。


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