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published in(发表于) 2016/9/22 16:03:30 Edit(编辑)
Bill Gates in person, Zuckerberg and his wife donate $ 3 billion launch complete video,

Bill Gates in person, Zuckerberg and his wife donate $ 3 billion launch complete video,(比尔盖茨亲自到场,扎克伯格夫妇捐赠30亿美元发布会完整视频,)



Bill Gates in person, complete video-Zuckerberg Zuckerberg and his wife donate $ 3 billion event-IT information

Editor's note : Beijing time at 2 o'clock in the morning today, Zuckerberg and his wife announced that Chan Zuckerberg Initiative will invest 3 billion dollars over the next 10 years of huge amounts of money to fund scientists capture the most important disease in the world. They expected growth of the next generation process, less affected by the impact of the disease, so as to live a high quality of life. Zuckerberg and his wife plan to create an aquatic Center in San Francisco, allows scientists to focus on promoting the project. This Initiative Scientific Committee member Dr include NIH Director Francis Collins, former Genentech CEO Arthur Levinson Dr, Princeton University President Shirley Tilghman, Dr and Dr Nobel Laureate Harold Varmus.

Yesterday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan xiya·Chen on-line notice, will today launch a "big news". What everyone thought mark and starts a new project, of standing on the stage today, however, it was Priscilla Chan Shia.

"Since the birth of our daughter, Max, when we start Chan Zuckerberg Initiative," Priscilla Chan Shia said: "we want Max to significantly improve the quality of life of this generation. "And one of the methods to achieve this vision, is the end of the century, overcoming the major diseases affecting human health.

▲ Zuckerberg decided so that the younger generation people completely out of major diseases affecting

Priscilla Chan Shia talks about her personal experience. As a pediatrician, she often heartbreaking news for the family--"your child with leukemia," "our doctors can do about it." These messages also Priscilla Chan Shia heartbreak. Just a memory of these scenes, in his speech, she choked up on several occasions.

It is these moments of her heart, she learned that our understanding of the human body and disease is very low, we cannot completely alleviate the pain caused by disease. "We hope to make breakthroughs in these areas", says Priscilla Chan Shia.

? Speech, Priscilla Chan Shia who has tears

"At present, the costs used to treat patients, and is used for disease prevention spent 50 times, and all of this needs to be change," mark said.

Priscilla Chan Shia and driven by her husband, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announced that it would spent $ 3 billion funding over the next 10 years of scientific research, with a view to the end of the century can be carried out on all the world's major diseases prevention, management and cure.

The couple's investment will be used to link scientists and engineers, technology and tool for development could advance research, and funded more scientists around the world.

According to the plan, Zuckerberg and his wife will spend US $ 600 million, an aquatic Center in San Francisco, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley and University of California-San Francisco scientists to work together to overcome research challenges. At present, the content of the two projects has been open, the first projects will draw the body's "cell map" indicating all cell types of the human body features, and how they will work with each other; while the second will be for HIV, many infectious diseases such as Ebola and Zhai, research and development of new vaccines, diagnostic methods and therapeutic drugs.

? Bill Gates in person, as Zuckerberg and his wife on the support

"These brave and ambitious," Bill Gates said: "we are very honored to witness the scene, witness mark with Priscilla Chan Shia's sail. ”

Facebook has profoundly changed the way that interconnection between man and man, and we look forward to this project will also in the future which changes human beings themselves, as well as awareness of the disease. As today's omnipresent network report says, this is a work in modern times, will benefit future generations of the project.

The two 30-something young man, let our health and our future is full of hope!

Report : Zuckerberg and his wife complete the news conference video (IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

比尔盖茨亲自到场,扎克伯格夫妇捐赠30亿美元发布会完整视频 - 扎克伯格 - IT资讯

编者按:北京时间今日凌晨2点,扎克伯格夫妇宣布,Chan Zuckerberg Initiative将在未来10年内投入30亿美元的巨额资金,资助科学家们攻克世界上最主要的疾病。他们期望在下一代人成长的过程中,能够更少受到疾病的影响,从而过上高质量的生活。扎克伯格夫妇计划在旧金山创立一个生物中心,让科学家们能集中推进项目的进行。这个Initiative的科学委员会成员包括NIH负责人Francis Collins博士,前基因泰克CEO Arthur Levinson博士,普林斯顿大学荣誉校长Shirley Tilghman博士以及诺贝尔奖得主Harold Varmus博士。


“自我们的女儿Max诞生之时,我们就启动了Chan Zuckerberg Initiative,”普莉希亚说道:“我们想要让Max这一代人的生活质量得到显著提高。”而实现这一愿景的方法之一,就是在本世纪末,攻克影响人类健康的重大疾病。






在普莉希亚与她的丈夫的推动下,Chan Zuckerberg Initiative宣布将在今后的10年内投入30亿美元资助科研,以期在本世纪末能对世界上所有的重大疾病进行预防、管理和治愈。








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