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published in(发表于) 2016/9/17 20:04:22 Edit(编辑)
Grand, Tudou, why trade quicker Inc Monrovia net decline in Shanghai, Zhang Xuhao tells the truth

Grand, Tudou, why trade quicker Inc Monrovia net decline in Shanghai, Zhang Xuhao tells the truth(上海盛大、土豆网、易迅网为何衰落,张旭豪道出真相)



Grand, Tudou, why trade quicker Inc Monrovia net decline in Shanghai, Zhang Xuhao tells the truth-Shanghai-IT information

Recently, the hungry founder Zhang Xuhao in house training in a speech referred to " Shanghai people are too easy, not even great companies ." Because of this word, cause someone wrote called on Shanghai people to boycott hungry.

Zhang Xuhao's intentions should not criticize Shanghai, Shanghai not great companies should also be mentioned refers to on the Internet. Zhang Xuhao criticism is designed to bring out the following words: "(hungry) at least to become a benchmark business in Shanghai and become one of the most important focus".

In fact, Zhang Xuhao's criticism of Shanghai, in the Internet world are used. If there are mysteries in the history of the Internet in China, then Why can't the Internet giant in Shanghai is one , the mysteries of related questions include: why Internet business atmosphere in Shanghai? Why Shanghai Internet companies always don't peer mergers?

In response to the poor network development in Shanghai before this mystery, to look back at history of Shanghai Internet predecessors failed. In fact, Shanghai's powerful Internet companies are not less, you can say a lot: Yi Tang, eBay, Shanda, Tudou, public comments, people NET, trade quicker Inc Monrovia, shop networks, ctrip, 1th . The four waves of the Internet development in China: Internet (Portal), entertainment, games, Internet, e-commerce, O2O and Internet +, Shanghai were originally caught.

Age of first wave of Chinese Internet portals, Sina, NetEase, Sohu is now the winner, loser most unfortunately, Tang Yi, Shanghai. Billion down this portal, based in Shanghai, has the luxury of founding team (all United States school), much higher than Sina, NetEase, Sohu's financing (US $ 50 million, is an astronomical figure in 1999), has great vision (for young people with a variety of online and offline lives, the doors to the middle class).

▲ Failed millions of Tang dynasty

However, Yi Tang quickly failed, summing up, luxury business, crazy money, reckless expansion as the reason. "Millions of Tang is a good company, but after the first wave of Internet, never grasp the opportunity. "Qi Xiangdong said of Yi Tang, President of qihoo 360 networks.

Second tide of entertainment games, Shanghai has emerged with two great companies: Grand and potatoes. Grand scenery, 2004 in after NASDAQ-listed Shanda founder Chen Tianqiao was promoted to China's richest man, in 2005 Chen became the largest shareholder of Sina, era of Shanghai's portal defeat revenge becomes worthy of the Internet giant. But today, 10 years later, Shanda games is still struggling, but almost all other areas to rout, has long been removed from the giant group.

? Chen Grand

Tudou was one of the earliest imitates YouTube online video site, earlier than its rival youku was founded, prior to youku listing application. Founder, Wang was a literary man, like romantic, listed in a divorce case before ' disputed, listing dream lives ruined potatoes, youku, seize the opportunity to first listing second are doomed to end.

Third wave of e-commerce, Shanghai is not absent. In China, the C2C open the popularization of e-commerce, and earlier than Taobao C2C site is eBay based in Shanghai. This is a template on the eBay Web site, from a technical system to the trading rules with little regard for the actual conditions of China, took eBay Money 2002, 2003 was wholly owned by eBay, when Taobao was founded on the large block. Later on, so that everyone knows that Shanghai eBay Taobao successful counter attack.

? EBay being bought by eBay

Fourth wave O2O and Internet +, Shanghai got up early, drove a late set. Was founded in 2003 by public comment is one of the earliest service platforms, network was founded in 2005 by the people is also one of the earliest Classifieds site, common features of these two sites is arts and slow. Headquartered in Beijing, after the United States and 58 city is typical of Wolf game, give employees chicken blood, more aggressive and fast. Tang and billion different from the rapid expansion of the luxury, beauty and 58 with the rapid expansion of the city is hard. A result, beautiful round public comment merge, the mass comment founder Zhang Tao out of sadness and baixingwang still hold, but the scale and imagination has completely and 58 is not an order of magnitude in the same city.

? Volkswagen reviews Zhang tear out

Except above mentioned of several company, headquarters in Shanghai of trade quicker Inc Monrovia network first was Tencent acquisition, last was package to has Beijing East; headquarters in Shanghai of ctrip Qian soon annexation has to where, but eventually was Baidu white became has first big shareholders; headquarters in Shanghai, and domestic first of business super class electric business 1th, shop equity times transfer, last founder out, Qian soon 1th, shop was Wal-Mart sold Beijing East; Shanghai local of fast money and housing guest respectively was million up and 58 with city acquisition...... Such cases are numerous.

Shanghai has led to a wave of wave of Internet development, but in the end again and again have failed, has not been born in real, sustainable Internet giant; many people expressing their opinions, summed up in the following areas:

Internet practitioners little giant model is missing , many local Internet practitioners do bad Internet in Shanghai is due to this reason. However, this interpretation is typical of "first, the chicken or the egg" question, cannot testify. BAT located in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen and not many Internet practitioners from the outset, the first is not a giant. Of course, when the BAT after it becomes a giant, does the local atmosphere of the Internet has a very big role, while the lack of pride in Internet companies in Shanghai, the industry will be subject to certain restrictions in attracting talent.

Shanghai lacks fighting spirit, seeking quality of life, and many investors agreed with the reasons of the foreign business in Shanghai. Petty bourgeoisie in Shanghai and comprador culture, Shanghai native choosing the first option is to enter foreign-funded enterprises, time to work, enjoying life at the weekend. Internet company's fast-paced, high intensity work, from infrastructure to be resisted. And Shanghai is a big melting pot, foreigners in Shanghai, can easily be assimilated into this lifestyle, "floating" always lacked fighting spirit similar to the Beijing North drift. Youth employment is not the preferred Internet, a lot of Internet entrepreneurs in Shanghai more than 30 years of age, lack of Rubicon's spirit and the spirit of the midnight oil hard.

Higher start-up costs in Shanghai, one of the reasons this is considered. Shanghai's per capita wage, startups need to pay a higher price to find people, and Shanghai people care more about the immediate interests will not for the foreseeable future option to liquidate and lower wage demands. In addition, rent, rent for the Office in Shanghai are not cheap. For the same cost, in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen can find talent more suitable for Internet start-ups. From a talent standpoint, has no shortage of financial talents in Shanghai, but Beijing technical talent is not much.

Lack of Government support and guidance, lack of business media, which is one reason the parties recognized. Landlocked cities like Chengdu, and introduced the policy support to the Internet compared to Shanghai as a financial centre, occupying the position of the mouth of the Changjiang River is the import and export of gathering, make money easy, natural conditions are very good, Shanghai is no need to deliberately supporting the Internet, annual revenues were pretty.

In addition, Shanghai business media is missing, too many entrepreneurs do not have access to local concerns, also suffer somewhat in the valuation and financing. Meanwhile, lack of media set up the stage, local Internet peers behind won't be easy. In this ad, millions in Europe since the end of August 2015 entered Shanghai, by routine offline activities, to boost Shanghai's atmosphere made a lot of contributions on the Internet.

Of course, Shanghai's Internet is not useless, even if public comments, and the United States have merged, but rooted in the quality of life in Shanghai area O2O + and Internet companies are still many, many of which have national influence, such as hungry, Lu Jin, box horses, u dispensers, Thai flute, wheel, the way Tiger and transported full.

上海盛大、土豆网、易迅网为何衰落,张旭豪道出真相 - 上海 - IT资讯























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