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published in(发表于) 2016/9/15 20:17:34 Edit(编辑)
Obama was a “bear children“, and also was the first major Earth,

Obama was a “bear children“, and also was the first major Earth,(奥巴马被一群“熊孩子”起诉,而且还是地球第一大案,)



Obama was a "bear children", and also is the first major Earth-Obama, environmental protection-IT information

On this planet, there is nothing to protect her and make her suitable for human life more important things. So, while Obama on climate change issues have done commendable, but a group of bear children but still he and a number of Federal Government agencies to small claims court.

United States local time on Tuesday, and 21 "bear children," Sue Obama convened the hearing. These plaintiffs sued, said United States fail to protect their future rights should not be undermined by climate change.

According to a CNN report, the case was known as the "Earth's first case" particularly striking is that it raises constitutional issues, young and unborn generations are being discriminated against because they do not have the right to vote to express their interest, yet they bear the biggest of climate warming effect.

Small plaintiffs also sued say, due to climate warming, powerful storms, terrible drought and sea-level rise, their life, liberty, property rights had been violated.

In the view of some, this case is unlikely to win, but it was a brave attempt , trying to force the Government to act in accordance with scientific advice--eliminating fossil fuels in this century.

The hearing, Judge Ann Aiken to listen to the children's advocate Julia Olson, Justice Department lawyers and the fossil fuel industry the oral argument of counsel. Judge Aiken likely will decide within 60 days whether the case into court.

In the debate, Olson lawyer tells one of the plaintiffs, a shy 13 year old girl Jayden Foytlin encounter. Foytlin's home state of Louisiana, historical rare, rare in this summer's floods, killing at least 11 people were killed and 40,000 houses were destroyed and nearly 30,000 people were forced to move, including Baton Rouge, the capital city, were soaked in the flood.

Massive flooding in, Foytlin 5 o'clock in the morning and suddenly wake up, this time water was ankle-deep in her bedroom. In her home location is not in a flood plain, the family did not buy flood insurance because their towns were never flooded.

United States Government scientists will flood the markets directly attributable to climate change.

"I hope that other families do not have this experience in my family" Foytlin said at the hearing, "no one wants to bury their loved ones, simply because the Government has turned a deaf ear to the truth, or because the oil companies only want to bury themselves in the money."

"The moment she jumped out of bed to go directly into efforts to slow climate change", says Olson lawyer.

Media that the case involves "bear children" of constitutional disputes and compensation for damages caused by, at the same time, also involved in the case has been informed by the Government, whether to use highly polluting energy systems took intentional disregard for the consequences.

Counsel for the fossil fuel industry Quin Sorenson said in the hearing, you will not be able to some extent on the specific hazards of pollution linked to specific, so the lack of criteria for judging these relationships. He further questioned whether climate change linked to the Government, or simply just allowing it to happen. "That's not in manufacturing, but dangerous," he said.

Justice Department Attorney Sean Duffy acknowledged that climate change is real, we're making it happen. However, the Federal Court is not a Slamdunk Forum, "the children made a very good case, but it should be in the halls of Congress for a hearing".

Nevertheless, the group from the United States has no intention of abandoning the children from all over.

Colorado 15-year old boy Nick Venner said, "if I didn't have hope for this, I will now play games on the computer ... ... Of course, this is a kind of hope. ”

Seattle 16-year old boy Aji Piper says, "do you think this is a pointless struggle, but you know that climate change is real ... ... So, you still have to fight for it, because this is the only thing you can do. ”

This group of "bear children," the youngest of only 9 years old, she is from Florida, Levi Draheim.

When we used the eye to look to the future now, and think about what we owe it to the kids? What do we owe future generations?

奥巴马被一群“熊孩子”起诉,而且还是地球第一大案 - 奥巴马,环境保护 - IT资讯






听证会上,Ann Aiken法官听了孩子们的辩护律师Julia Olson、司法部律师及化石燃料行业律师的口头辩论。Aiken法官可能将在60天内决定此案是否进入庭审。

辩论中,Olson律师讲述原告之一,一个害羞的13岁的女孩Jayden Foytlin的遭遇。Foytlin的家乡路易斯安那州,在今年夏季遭遇了历史罕见、百年不遇的大洪水,导致至少11人遇难,4万座房屋被毁,近3万人被迫转移,包括首府巴吞鲁日在内的多座城市被浸泡在洪水之中。






化石燃料行业的代表律师Quin Sorenson在听证会上称,某种程度上你不能将具体的污染联系到特定的危害上,所以该案件缺乏判断这些关系的标准。他还进一步质疑,究竟是政府引起了气候变化,还是仅仅只是允许它发生了。“那不是在制造危险,而是姑息危险”,他说。

司法部的律师Sean Duffy则承认,气候变化是真的,我们也正在使它发生。但是,联邦法院不是敲定解决方案的论坛,“孩子们提出了很好的案例,但它应该在国会大厅进行听证”。


科罗拉多15岁男孩 Nick Venner说,“如果我对此不抱希望,我现在会在电脑上玩游戏……当然,这是一种希望。”

西雅图16岁男孩Aji Piper说道,“你们认为这是毫无意义的奋斗,但你们知道气候变化是真的……所以,你仍然要为之奋斗,因为这是你们唯一能做的事情。”

这群“熊孩子”中最小的只有9岁,她是来自佛罗里达的Levi Draheim。


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