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published in(发表于) 2016/9/14 13:09:05 Edit(编辑)
South Africa businessman suffered a close shot, China Mobile phone for help again,

South Africa businessman suffered a close shot, China Mobile phone for help again,(南非商人遭遇近距离枪击,中国手机再度救命,)



South Africa businessman suffered a close shot, China's domestic mobile phone, China Mobile phone help-again, the bullet-IT information

IT information , according to Xinhua, in talking about the bullet cases, Nokia phones as the quality has been in the mobile phone sector assumes the role of life-saving team, along with the rise of China-made mobile phones, more and more made in China shared the honors.

A recent South Africa businessman looted, robbers in two metres of the man was shot after robbers took £ 15 cash away. But fortunately in his chest pocket cell phone for the blocked shot and survived.

"When I woke up and felt his chest burned only to panic, just wanted to see burns where whether there is blood. "He found out later that his brush with death, the bullet failed to penetrate the jacket breast pocket in the Chinese-made Smartphone, are stuck.

According to the doctor's diagnosis, the heart stops for a few seconds after being shot at, and then returned to normal, and the phone is completely written.

南非商人遭遇近距离枪击,中国手机再度救命 - 中国国产手机,子弹 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 据新华社电,在谈及挡子弹的情况下,诺基亚手机由于质量过硬一直在手机界担任救命队员的角色,伴随着中国国产手机的崛起,越来越多的中国制造分享了这个荣誉。




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