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published in(发表于) 2016/9/13 18:53:06 Edit(编辑)
Zhengzhou found a case of Chinese visitors infected with Zhai card virus has been isolated,

Zhengzhou found a case of Chinese visitors infected with Zhai card virus has been isolated,(郑州发现一例中国籍旅客感染寨卡病毒,已被隔离,)



Zhengzhou found a case of Chinese visitors card virus infection Zhai, Zhai card virus-IT has been quarantined-information

On September 13, according to Xinhua, entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Henan province, disclosed yesterday, September 8 on a flight from Seoul to Zhengzhou found a Chinese passenger fever, by the China Center for disease control feedback review, Zhai card testing positive for the virus.

According to reports, the Chinese visitor who had to travel abroad, to the United States, and Korea, last entry in Zhengzhou, Henan province, Zhengzhou airport by the public security Frontier Corps, airport problems found during quarantine inspection. At present, the passenger had been isolated for observation.

Statistics show that Zhai card virus is an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes. Village card in people living with HIV, only about 20% will show mild symptoms, typical symptoms include acute onset of low-grade fever, maculopapular rash, conjunctivitis, joint pain, other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, eye pain and weakness. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, ulcer and skin itching.

In May 2015, Brazil began a village card virus outbreaks, subsequently spread to several countries in the Americas. The recent Singapore Zhai were also found infected with HIV, Singapore Zhai disease outbreaks is the 58th country, Malaysia, and Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Bangladesh and other countries of South-East Asia and South Asia were cases of infection.

郑州发现一例中国籍旅客感染寨卡病毒,已被隔离 - 寨卡病毒 - IT资讯





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