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published in(发表于) 2016/9/12 19:12:29 Edit(编辑)
Universal hot Collider, built not built exactly who is in charge? ,

Universal hot Collider, built not built exactly who is in charge? ,(全民热议对撞机,建不建究竟谁说了算?,)



Universal hot Collider, built not built exactly who is in charge? -Collider-IT information

More recently, about whether China should be super collider uproar in the scientific community, and gradually evolved into a public issue. Shing-Tung Yau, Chinese mathematician to endorse before China built the super collider, Chinese Nobel Laureate in physics Yang Chen-Ning wrote after the China of today is not the construction of super collider and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of high energy physics Wang yifang said "large Collider, it's time to" ... ...

In time, the media, even ordinary people have queued up opinions. People were excited to "personally involved in major research projects of decision", also "firmly believes that more debates, the more the truth", the most important thing is "mercilessly tore open the science Café" is a scene not seen for many years.

Institute of science, technology and society at Tsinghua University Professor Liu Bing, it's just a chance discussion, discuss mechanism of Chinese science projects has not established. He said in an interview with the science and technology daily: "I hope to establish open and transparent discussion of the future system, make great project horse dismount institutionalized. ”

United States Superconducting Supercollider horse and dismounted

If any event in the history of science and contemporary China "do you want to build a large Collider" issue is similar, it is United States superconducting super collider in the history of the event.

Superconducting Super Collider (Superconducting Super Collider, abbreviated SSC), is in the eighties or nineties of the 20th century United States's big science projects, it officially proposed in June 1983, aims in order to make the United States regain the basic physics of the world leading position. Its initial budget of US $ 3 billion, later increased to us $ 11 billion. This project started, excavations near 23-kilometer, TX, SSC tunnel, at a cost of nearly $ 2 billion, a large number of physicists involved in this work. But in October 1993, the project cost too large to be United States Congress voted, after Congress allocated $ 640 million for tunnel landfill, personnel placement and other work.

Liu Bing in 2008, visiting SSC site, but it has become a ruin that nobody even knows, what a shame. He recorded feeling in a blog: at that time, such a brilliant project, with nearly $ 3 billion cost, only now the idle construction visible, more underground tunnels, even the entrance is not visible. On the ground and saw wilderness, fields, meadows, and a smattering of others.

"Basically, against United States Superconducting Supercollider horse horse we can generally understand the Chinese debate on the large Collider. "Liu Bing said in an interview with the science and technology daily.

Among scientists there is a community of interests

Institute of philosophy and sociology at Beijing Normal University Professor, history of science, philosophy of science expert Tian Song, neither SSC, and is now also a large Collider controversy behind there is a benefit of the game.

He said in an interview with the science and technology daily, all understanding--truths of science adhere to, the exploration of the mysteries of nature, human curiosity satisfaction. We thought in science, technology, science-driven technology is the relationship between social progress and promote social progress, but in reality is not so simple. In the era of big science, decision-making and development of each and every project means a lot of input, the scientists themselves to form a community of interests in the process.

SSC Tian Song as mentioned, he said, obtained means that a large number of physicists of SSC jobs, a large number of doctoral enrollment of University Physics Department, these are benefits, so the physics community is supported.

Dong Lili Liu Bing students once wrote an academic paper in the scientific conflict of interest – the United States case studies of the superconducting super collider, in this article, refers to scientists caused by the SSC within the community, other interest groups, scientists and Government officials argued, as well as on the surface of the hide behind the argument of the real interests of the parties competing for.

"Up to now, have not yet found an optimal solution, but every decision is the result of the game", said Tian Song. He also said that information more transparent decision-making science prerequisite, "independence of the media in this process in order to make the sound, which is not controlled by stakeholders", Tian Song stressed.

China's lack of discussion of large projects of decision mechanism

Over the years, there is a sound scientific science, science things only scientists know that outsiders do not understand, so I shouldn't comment. But after the scientists form a community of interests for their own interests, scientific activity is complicated and delicate. How to avoid large losses on the public interest in the project's policy?

Liu Bing believes that SSC case China and United States Congress science plays a special role in the decision-making process must be used as a reference for the scientific research in the country. He said that China has many large projects have been launched or are about to start, on these projects should not? Without an open and transparent discussion system, most of the projects even without a large discussion. Nano, GM is putting a lot of projects, what is its decision-making process?

"Should allow more people to participate in decision-making, scientific and economic resources is behind the project, is related to everyone, rather than the minority, in particular stakeholders decided", Liu Bing said.

Tian Song also expressed similar views, he said, we have always thought that outsiders do not understand science, in fact, know and do not know, not to turn all of us into scientists, but make it clear what scientists do, from this point of view, an outsider can understand the science.

全民热议对撞机,建不建究竟谁说了算? - 对撞机 - IT资讯






超导超级对撞机(Superconducting Super Collider,简称SSC),是20世纪八九十年代美国提出的大科学项目,它在1983年6月正式提出,目的是为了使美国重新取得世界基础物理学界的领先地位。它初期预算为30亿美元,后期增长到110亿美元。这个项目启动后,SSC在德克萨斯州挖掘了近23千米隧道、耗资近20亿美元,大批的物理学家参与这项工作。但是1993年10月,这一项目因耗资过于庞大被美国国会投票否决,此后国会又拨款6.4亿美元用于隧道填埋、人员安置等善后工作。














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