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published in(发表于) 2016/9/10 8:25:04 Edit(编辑)
Safety tips for Air China flight to London angered Britons: accused of racial discrimination,

Safety tips for Air China flight to London angered Britons: accused of racial discrimination,(中国国际航空公司飞往伦敦航班的安全提示惹恼英国人:被指种族歧视,)



Safety tips for Air China flight to London angered Britons: accused of racial discrimination-air, racial discrimination-IT information

7th local time according to the BBC News reported that Air China flight to London on a security prompt is accused of the racially sparked controversy. London members letter to the Chinese Ambassador to United Kingdom Ambassador, demanded an apology from Air China.

United States news networks CNBC producer Beijing Haze Fan on Twitter this week sent out a photo, recording the wings of monthly Air China Air China passengers to London published safety tips.

The safety tip says London is safe, but "some areas between India and Pakistan and the black areas are relatively messy. Best not to travel alone at night. "

Haze Fan tweets @ the London Mayor, asked his opinion about this security prompt. This Tweet out sparked strong discontent among members of London.

Members of London's Ealing Southall district Sharma (Virendra Sharma) issued a document accusing the security prompt is "blatant racism", he said he was "openly write so untrue and racist rhetoric" was "shocked".

Sharma said he has been to China the United Kingdom Ambassador to write, call Air China an apology and an immediate end to the wings of China's release.

He also said it had extended an invitation to representatives of air and invite them to visit Ealing Southall and let them know "the diversity of the area is safe." Ealing Southall 39% of the population is Asian.

Mr Tooting area of South Asia most alinhan (Rosena Allin-Khan) these statements is considered "associated not only offended minority, are an affront to all Londoners". Alinhan said she will invite Chinese United Kingdom ambassadors to his District visited, let everybody know "how people from different ethnic groups live together."

Sadike·Han's spokesman said the Mayor of London, the Mayor's Office was drafting a statement on the matter.

On Twitter, some Internet users condemned the release of this, demanded an apology from Air China.

Netizens were poking fun at.

I don't know what Air China worried about, the Chinese did not work.

There is one think air safety tips are right.

Air China currently has not yet issued a response on the matter.

Air China has two flights a day from Beijing to London. United Kingdom tourism figures show that last year from China to the United Kingdom the number of trips up 46%, reaching 270,000 times.

中国国际航空公司飞往伦敦航班的安全提示惹恼英国人:被指种族歧视 - 国航,种族歧视 - IT资讯


美国新闻网CNBC的驻北京制片人Haze Fan于本周在Twitter上发出了一张照片,记录了国航空中月刊《中国之翼》对前往伦敦的乘客发布的安全提示。


Haze Fan在推文中@了伦敦市长,问他对这则安全提示怎么看。这篇推文一出来就引发了伦敦议员的强烈不满。

伦敦Ealing Southall区的议员夏尔马(Virendra Sharma)发文指责这则安全提示是“赤裸裸的种族主义”,他表示自己为有人能“公然写下如此不真实和带有种族歧视的言论”感到很“震惊”。


他还称已经向国航的代表发出邀请,请他们到Ealing Southall参观,让他们了解“这个多元化的地区是安全的”。Ealing Southall有39%的人口是亚洲人。

南亚居民最多的Tooting区议员阿林汗(Rosena Allin-Khan)则认为这些言论“不仅仅冒犯了相关的少数族裔,也冒犯了所有伦敦人”。阿林汗称她将邀请中国驻英国大使到自己的选区参观,让大家了解“来自不同族裔的人是如何生活在一起的”。








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