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published in(发表于) 2016/9/10 8:24:49 Edit(编辑)
15 911 event, causing more than 5400 people,

15 911 event, causing more than 5400 people,(911事件15年,致癌人数已超5400人,)



15 911 event, causing more than 5400 people-911-IT information

On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked United States civil aviation 4 aircraft, two planes crashed into New York's World Trade Center "twin towers", a corner that rammed the Pentagon in Washington and a plane crash. The series of attacks killed more than 3,000 people and caused economic losses of hundreds of millions of dollars.

15 years later, the terrorist attacks that shocked the world not only caused great impact on the world situation, for many United States citizens, 9·11 the haze is still not gone. Data show that people suffering from cancer because of the terrorist attacks has more than 5400 people.

9·11 cancer more than 5400 people

According to the United States cable news network reported that as of June 30, about 5441 people events effects was diagnosed with cancer. United States Centers for disease control and prevention statistics show that during the period of January 2013 to January 2016, an average annual increase of confirmed cases and 1525. In January 2014, confirmed cases in 1822, and by June of this year, that number has climbed to more than 3 times.

Was diagnosed with cancer, 5441, 4692 are taking part in the rescue, cleaning the ground firefighters, police officers, sanitation workers and volunteers, nearly 750 residents near the World Trade Center, or at a nearby school, work personnel. In cancer patients, about half aged between 55 and 64 years old, some people suffer from cancer in more than one. It was reported that these cancers are likely to be generated by the attacks of pollution caused by carcinogens.

Finds complex long actual incidence of compensation or over 70,000

United States the Centers for disease control data show that in addition to cancer, there are about 12,000 people suffer from mental illness, about 32,000 people suffering from asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease and other diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs.

In January 2011, when United States President Barack Obama signed the 9·11 health and Compensation Act, 9·11 established the victim compensation fund to provide medical expenses involved in 9·11 rescue, but finds that the process is complex and long, and has not been identified in some patients. Thus, the actual number of cancer statistics 5441 people more than this. United States official had earlier said about 75,000 damage to human health due to terrorist attacks.

Event participants "dust girl": escape 9·11 lost to gastric cancer

These cold figures, are in fact a real person, a real tragic story. Below to learn about a personal experience of the events of the story, she survived from that tragic disaster, but last year cancer services unfortunately pass away.

This photo frame live events who survive face – panic. Photo hero, also known as "dust."

"Dust girl" 's real name is called maqian·bodesi. On September 11, 2001, at age 28, Marci, United States banking a forensic Assistant, 81-storey of the North Tower of the World Trade Center to start a day's work.

Maqian·bodesi: "the day is just beginning, the computer still feels right without open, downstairs all the people toward the stairwell. ”

Marci did not listen to the supervisor on the seat, but ran down the stairs. When she's covered in dust to escape, freelance photographer snapped the photo, has become this "terrorist attack of the century" classic photo.

However, Marci who survived have been left behind from shadows of the 9·11--she lost her job, suffer from depression, and drug addiction, lost custody of her daughter.

Marci November 2014 revealed that she was suffering from stomach cancer. Marci suspected her illness 9·11-related, she said: "I ask myself, will the 9·11 lit the cancer cells in my body, I believe it must be, because I have no problem at all."

On August 23, 2015, Marci's death.

Pain survivors: 9·11 as happened last week

According to the United States Government latest data released by the Department, in the last 3 years every year because 9·11 was diagnosed with cancer and other diseases was a fast-growing trend in the number of. In the events of 15 anniversary of CCTV reporter specifically visited a 9·11 survivors of Aldi's home that year.

A week ago, turning him into a public organization adopted a work Labrador dog, since after the terrorist attacks, Aldi was diagnosed with a serious mental disease, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sudden anxiety and fear have been with him for 15 years.

Aldi 9·11 survivors: "if I have nightmares, dogs will perceive me licking wakes up from a nightmare. Every day I think of 9·11, 9·11 as happened last week just the same to me. ”

15 years ago, turning him into a building near the World Trade Center on the 23rd floor, after the first plane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center, turning him into was a huge Quake in the building, together with the horror crowd, he ran out of the building.

Aldi: "taking out of the flames and smoke rising, I found something fell off, I looked carefully to realize that fall on people, we began to escape, debris falling all around me, I tripped, pedaling past from me, I think I'm going to get trampled. ”

In addition to mental illness, and many others, of Aldi 9·11 inhalation of smoke and dust and later was confirmed to contain a variety of toxic substances, which is in the southern end of Manhattan island for months wouldn't fade. In 2015, Aldi was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality rate is very high (COPD), patients with this disease is not only painful, once the diagnosis of incurable, can only control through a large number of drugs per day.

Events occur after 3 years, Aldi, was compelled to resign the previous work in a law firm, left has lived for 24 years in New York, moved to rural areas in Pennsylvania and lived with my parents, for 12 years, turning him into a nearby town in a theatre to make ends meet.

Just this year, turning him into a resigned from the job, in his speech and decided to devote more time to writing a book, sharing his 9·11 experiences with more people.

911事件15年,致癌人数已超5400人 - 911 - IT资讯



























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