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published in(发表于) 2016/9/8 11:42:13 Edit(编辑)
Violet setting up joint ventures with Western Digital: target storage market

Violet setting up joint ventures with Western Digital: target storage market(紫光与西部数据成立合资公司:瞄准存储市场,)



Violet setting up joint ventures with Western Digital: targeting the storage market-violet, Western Digital-IT information

Unisplendour Corporation Limited November 10 announcement on November 9 of the joint venture contract was signed with Western Digital, the two sides will set up a joint venture company to jointly develop the storage market.

Caixin, Xinhua learned from Western Digital, the joint venture will be established in China, in the West of China marketing data existing data center storage system and future development, data center storage solutions for the Chinese market.

According to violet shares notice company working title, purple Western Digital limited, a joint venture, with registered capital of us $ 158 million . , Violet shares for $ 56.58 million in cash, to violet held by Nanjing purple cloud information technology company, all for $ 24 million, total $ 80.58 million shares in the joint venture company 51%; Western Digital cash and in-kind contributions to $ 77.42 million, received the remaining 49% shares.

Joint venture companies have a Board of Directors, composed of 5 members, violet shares – 3 seats, Western Digital gained 2 seats. Chairman appointed personnel to be youziguang shares. At present, the purple Qi Lian, President of shares authorized by the Board for implementation matters associated with the establishment of joint venture companies and sign relevant documents.

Unisplendour group and Unisplendour Corporation Limited said Zhao Weiguo, Chairman, violet by providing its cognition of the Chinese IT industry, Western Digital storage solution is introduced into the Chinese market, violet is very exciting, "looks forward to exciting growth opportunities to seize the Chinese market".

Western Digital's Chief Executive, Steve Milligan also said China is a fast-growing enterprise IT markets. Through a joint venture partnership with violet, for solutions to Western Digital is a favourable opportunity for China's booming market. Meanwhile, with purple light of experience, for which both sides can work together for the Chinese customers a range of tailor-made solutions. "We look forward to working with existing partners, China continues to maintain solid relations of cooperation," said Steve Milligan.

New financial reporter was informed that the deal has been approved by the Board of Directors of both companies, but still need to be approved by the regulatory authorities. Joint venture is expected to start operation in the second quarter of 2016.

Western Digital in 1970 in the United States was founded in California, is a manufacturer of industry-leading storage solutions. Their products to Yu (HGST) and Western Digital (WD) brand, sales to original equipment manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and cloud infrastructure providers and consumers. In 2001, the data listed in the West. As of July 3, 2015 (data in the West end of fiscal year 2015), Western Digital audited total assets of us $ 15.181 billion, total shareholders ' equity at 9.219 billion dollars. 2015 fiscal year net revenues of us $ 14.572 billion, US $ 1.465 billion in net profit.

On September 30 this year, announced violet shares, information systems of its wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong-violet limited will be $ 92.5 per share price call Western Digital seasoned 40.81 million shares, trading amounted to 3.8 billion dollars. After the transaction is completed, violet shares will hold Western Digital has 15% shares outstanding, as Western Digital's largest shareholders. At present, this deal is still advancing.

Analysis of the industry, Western Digital hard drive has a leading position in the field, coupled with Western Digital announced in October this year to 19 billion dollars to buy memory chip maker Flash di (SanDisk), firmly grasp the right to supply Flash memory chips in the upper reaches and more competitive in the world. Unisplendour shares covering servers, network equipment, IT services, application development and other areas, are now gradually to areas such as cloud computing, mobile Internet and data processing, many businesses are closely related to storage. Unisplendour shares shares of Western Digital and the Western Digital venture, embodies the ambition and determination of its stores.

Results showed that the third quarter of this year, violet shares revenues to 3.497 billion yuan, an increase of 17.03%, net profit of 21.68 million Yuan, down 39.86%. Whether to buy Western Digital released equity, or set up a joint venture company, violet shares requires a lot of money. Maneuvers conversions to obtain sufficient funds apparently violet shares a top priority.

紫光与西部数据成立合资公司:瞄准存储市场 - 紫光,西部数据 - IT资讯






西部数据首席执行官Steve Milligan也表示,中国是一个快速增长的企业IT市场。通过合资公司与紫光合作,对于把西部数据的解决方案带给蓬勃发展的中国市场而言是一个有利的机会。同时,凭借紫光的经验,双方可以共同为中国客户提供一系列为其量身定做的解决方案。“我们也期待着与现有的中国合作伙伴继续保持稳固的合作关系,”Steve Milligan说。






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