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published in(发表于) 2016/9/8 11:42:03 Edit(编辑)
Similar fates different social networking sites: Twitter to be sold, and Snapchat listed,

Similar fates different social networking sites: Twitter to be sold, and Snapchat listed,(社交网站同类不同命:Twitter要出售,而Snapchat要上市,)



Similar fates different social networking sites: Twitter sale listed-and Snapchat to Twitter,Snapchat, the social networking site-IT information

Building 5, 8 rounds of financing, and burn after reading your Snapchat finally taking into account market.

United States leading The Information technology media, citing people familiar with the news that Snapchat has contacted a number of investment banks, seeking to launch IPO early this year or next year. But has not yet formally decided, underwriters had not signed the agreement.

Social has never lacked for stars of startups, Snapchat is one of them. The middle of this year, Snapchat disclosed the number of monthly active users, and has now reached 310 million people. This figure has already surpassed the number of monthly active users of Twitter, in the United States after Facebook and its Instagram.

In terms of revenue, Snapchat maintained a stable growth trend. According to market research firm eMarketer forecasts 2016 Snapchat advertising revenues of $ 367 million, and in 2017 will exceed $ 1 billion.

Meanwhile, the Snapchat it is also a favorite. In March last year, Alibaba to invest $ 200 million in Snapchat. In May, the Snapchat access to the Atlantic Ocean capital, Sequoia Capital, fidelity investments and other private equity funds of $ 180 million f round of funding, company valuations have soared to 20 billion dollars. Given the momentum of Snapchat still hot, if listed market value should not be less than this number.

It not listed Snapchat Express for the first time to dream. As early as 2015, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel have expressed in public "companies need to be listed" comment. Furthermore, Snapchat also has hired a new Board Member Stan Meresman. He has extensive experience in helping the companies listed, used to help four companies listed, namely, LinkedIn, Zynga and the Riverbed and Polycom.

However, the "single revenue approach" may be Snapchat on the road to IPO the biggest headache. In early 2015, Snapchat media content push service launched Discover, pushed to the user BuzzFeed, CNN and other media coverage, and inserting paid advertisements. Meanwhile, Snapchat in their application of "Our Story" feature also joined in paid advertising. But so far, Snapchat´s revenue still depends mainly on these two forms of advertising.

Snapchat spokesman also acknowledged that whether the company is listed, when listing depends on many factors, and Snapchat are not fully in control of these factors.

Listing of course not the end of Snapchat. Another celebrity social media company Twitter is perhaps the best reference to Snapchat. Listed today, nearly three years later, Twitter valuations have fallen to the IPO market value of $ 15 billion. And Twitter is also prepared to convene a meeting of the Board to discuss the sale of the company.

社交网站同类不同命:Twitter要出售,而Snapchat要上市 - Twitter,Snapchat,社交网站 - IT资讯


美国知名科技媒体The Information援引知情人士的消息称,Snapchat已经接触了一些投资银行,寻求在年内或者明年初启动IPO。不过目前尚未正式做出决定,也没有签署承销商协议。




这并非Snapchat第一次表达想要上市的梦想。早在2015年,Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel就曾在公开场合表达了“公司需要上市”的言论。而且,Snapchat还聘请了一名新董事会成员Stan Meresman。此人在帮助公司上市方面拥有非常丰富的经验,曾经辅佐过四家公司上市,分别是LinkedIn、Zynga、Riverbed和Polycom。

尽管如此,但“单一的营收方式”可能是Snapchat IPO道路上的最大困扰。2015年初,Snapchat推出媒体内容推送服务Discover,向用户推送BuzzFeed、CNN等媒体的报道,并在其中插入收费广告。同时,Snapchat在自家应用的“Our Story”功能中也加入付费广告。但发展至今,Snapchat的营收依然主要靠这两种广告形式。



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