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published in(发表于) 2016/9/7 8:31:43 Edit(编辑)
5000 Yuan for tuition by Telecom fraud cheat: lost boys at Jilin University,

5000 Yuan for tuition by Telecom fraud cheat: lost boys at Jilin University,(被电信诈骗骗光5000元学费:吉林一大学男生失联,)



5000 Yuan for tuition by Telecom fraud cheat: lost boys-Telecom fraud at Jilin University, student-IT information

The night of September 4, "Changchun driver" issue a search Twitter: "college students were Telecom fraud, tuition shorn, is now lost." Confirmed by people familiar with the lost session students are Dali, Xiangyun, Yunnan national boys. They immediately through a variety of channels, and the student's parents and schools to understand the situation.

Lost University students named Duan Jinke, Xiangyun town, last year Xiang Yun four tests into Jilin Institute of business and logistics management, now a sophomore. Duan Jinke, 21, also has a second brother, parents are farmers, rely on flue-cured tobacco and other crops for a living.

September 2 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, gold snack bar with his girlfriend in Jilin Institute of business and the school gate separated, leaving a sentence "I'm leaving", since there was no news.

Duan Jinke girlfriend in a University in Beijing, said Jin was duped fraud SMS optical charges, feel sorry for his family, spirit is present an exception, she reported the case to local police, "Changchun drivers circle" in search of micro-blogging is her hair.

Duan Jinke mother Zhao Shuxiang said, "because the distance is too far, summer vacation without the children come home, working outside. Call us on September 1 but said, on August 25 by the communication fraud cheated 5000 Yuan, we did not say what he was. On September 3, phoned to say he had lost his girlfriend and asked if we had called him. From September 3 until now, has not contact him, line has been shut down, it's sudden death. ”

Duan Jinke family the morning of September 5, has made a report to Liu, Xiangyun Town police station. Police station said it would actively pursue information, and contact local police to strengthen coordination and provide help.

Morning of September 5, the reporter called Jilin College of business students, a teacher surnamed Sun said the Institute begins on August 22, school authorities have been aware of gold can be lost. "Schools very seriously, and parents, will actively try to look for. ”

The afternoon of September 5, Duan Jinke's relatives had arrived at the school.

被电信诈骗骗光5000元学费:吉林一大学男生失联 - 电信诈骗,学生 - IT资讯









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