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published in(发表于) 2016/9/6 8:32:18 Edit(编辑)
IDC: key components of stock, global Smartphone industry to shuffle,

IDC: key components of stock, global Smartphone industry to shuffle,(IDC:关键零部件缺货,全球智能手机产业再洗牌,)



IDC: key components of stock, global Smartphone industry reshuffle-China-made mobile phones, buy-IT information

IT information according to IDC worldwide hardware assembled a research team from supply chain survey results of the latest study showed that second quarter of 2016 due to the liquid crystal display screen, shortage of key components such as processors, memory, global Smartphone industry manufacture of relatively lower-than-expected growth rate of the first quarter of 2016, only 4.8%.

It is reported that the liquid crystal display screen, processor, memory, and other key components are the main reason for the shortage, due to shortages of key components, resulting in ranking shuffle effect.

IDC worldwide hardware Assembly team manager Gao Hongxiang said that shipments of large international companies such as Apple, Sony, and Microsoft fell under the influence of assembled 2016 2nd quarter global Smartphone industry competition, share of Chinese manufacturers continued to improve (44.1% to 46.4%), the Taiwan manufacturers the proportion slipped (23.4% to 19.7%).

Due to the liquid crystal display screen, shortages of key components such as processors, Flash memory chip, European, American, Japanese and domestic first-tier manufacturers to factory direct supply procurement advantage all the more apparent. According to statistics, to date among the global top ten handset manufacturers China occupies five seats, and generally promote ranking. Especially the OPPO, VIVO sales calls increased greatly in recent years.

IDC:关键零部件缺货,全球智能手机产业再洗牌 - 中国国产手机,采购 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 根据IDC全球硬件组装研究团队从供应链调查的最新研究结果显示,2016年第二季由于液晶显示屏幕、处理器、内存等关键零组件短缺,全球智能手机产业制造量相对2016年第一季的成长率低于预期,仅增长4.8%。




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