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published in(发表于) 2016/9/5 10:15:24 Edit(编辑)
BBC: Chinese overtime hours than in Europe and America,

BBC: Chinese overtime hours than in Europe and America,(BBC:中国人加班时间远超欧美,)



BBC: the Chinese far beyond Europe-working overtime overtime hours, work-IT information

Foreign media said that in China, has become a way of life for a long time, no matter what the industry. According to estimates by Beijing Normal University, one of the researchers, worked an average of 2000-2,200 hours per year-much higher than the Chinese Americans (1790 hours per year), the Netherlands people (1419 hours), Germans (1371 hours) or Japanese (1719), these figures from the Organization for economic cooperation and development statistics.

According to the United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation, August 26, not everyone in China is satisfied with this. A video is very popular in the summer, an amateur orchestra of Shanghai as "work dog" were offered a tongue-in-cheek song of the empty feeling.

Reports that China's brutal work hours has become very alarming, in fact, the Government has begun to pay attention to this issue. In 2012, the official China daily published an editorial called "karoshi" has become a reality in China, labor laws do not adequately protect the rights of workers.

A 2014 report on China's working hours, workplace culture, China even prevented them from becoming international engine. Beijing Normal University economic and business management College Dean Lai Desheng in published this a report of Assembly Shang said: "shortened work time except will conducive to workers of physical and mental health and promote productivity of upgrade zhiwai, also conducive to promote employment number of expanded and employment quality of improve, and conducive to speed up achieved from China manufacturing to China created of change, and conducive to incentive workers for human capital again investment, and leisure time of increased will potential to promote innovation of occurred. ”

Cost and speed competition

However, Chinese startups, especially enterprises in science and technology, not only failed to adopt that proposal, employees also worked longer hours. These companies not only provide late-night snacks, alleged that white cloud technology and other companies even provide employees with easy, convenient for employees to NAP during the day or late at night in the company of overtime. Many start-ups get inspiration from technology giants such as Alibaba, Alibaba in the preparation stage of the end of the employee in the company's ground tent; Huawei at its initial stage, with its so-called "mat culture" is known for, the engineer will place a blanket rolls at the end of the table, for use to work when it is too late.

Reports say, despite concerns that the slowdown in the Chinese economy, but a lot of venture capital into China-2015 to a record $ 37 billion, according to Bloomberg, doubled over the previous year, making it more competitive in science and technology.

Investors Qiming, co-founder of jiali·lixieer millet said workplace culture of startups in China even more harsh than Silicon Valley.

He said that one reason is that for many Chinese start-ups, their business model is not based on a unique idea, but from other places, not county other start-ups, is the United States enterprises. That makes them only two channels of competition--the cost and speed. "When you compete at low cost and speed, and only a cultural success, that is from a culture".

Gobi partner Xu Chen said the venture, Shanghai venture capital firm, for many young technology workers, no work-life balance: work is life. Many people moved to the city without friends and family, so they prefer to work in the Office late, earning overtime or meal time interacting with colleagues. Some start-ups will provide fast network, video games, and perks such as free meals.

Ken says: "they can break when playing games, or chat with other people. After returning home, is also doing the same thing – playing the game chips. ”

"It's not work, it's part of their lifestyle. They don't want to go home, they just want to stay there. ”

Trust issues

Reports that apparently lived in the Office had its bad side. For example, the work efficiency. Richerd said many Chinese startups often has a tendency to increase face time at the Office – stay up late just to get to see him very late, just like the 890, many Japan enterprise situation. He asked: "what do you have to be in Office for so long? Day after day? Lack of trust in Chinese society, so if you don't see your, well, what are you doing? ”

Reported that fatigue is another question. When they are deprived of sleep, start-up employees can efficiently work? Which will be start-ups--another key factors affect innovation?

BBC:中国人加班时间远超欧美 - 加班,工作 - IT资讯
















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