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published in(发表于) 2016/9/4 9:00:50 Edit(编辑)
Contraceptive sterilization was breeding of seedless grapes! Micro-circle of friends the rumor injury Penglai fruit

Contraceptive sterilization was breeding of seedless grapes! Micro-circle of friends the rumor injury Penglai fruit(避孕药培育无核葡萄吃了绝育!微信朋友圈谣言害苦蓬莱果农,)



Contraceptive sterilization was breeding of seedless grapes! Micro-circle of friends the rumor injury Penglai fruit-grapes, pill-IT information

Recently on the Internet and spread micro-circle of friends has been a video, a middle-aged man who was selling grapes in the video said this passage: seedless grapes are now soiled with birth control pills, to become nuclear-free, eating is bad for children, and sterilization. Such a short video of more than 40 seconds, but maxed out your circle of friends these days, many citizens watched the video, and now even dare not eat the grapes.

For members of the public who, at best, is to eat less fruit, and for those who make a living by growing grapes for fruit growers, it was the sky is falling. 1st morning, reporters came to the wine-growing villages--daliu town to find deer, Penglai, Yantai Kuang village.

Growers say they mostly rose this grape variety grown in the village, covering more than 1000 acres. Before video communication, find a fruit acquisition of Lu Kuang village station, every day more than 30,000 kilos of grapes and I will, after the video spread, now every grape shipments only original one-tenth.

Fewer shipments, grape prices are plummeting. Farmers say, when the video has not been, regardless of seed of seedless grapes, catty can sell four price of three to four blocks of five, now are generally sold for three dollars or so, three pieces of money they do not, the video spread too wide, known throughout the country.

Jiang Kejun MI Lu Kuang fruit cooperatives in the village President, plant sale of grapes for nearly 40 years, he said of seedless grapes is the past few years, drugs produced by spraying something called gibberellic acid, previously from the nuclear to the seedless grapes, gibberellic acid were used. Now an Internet sensation of using birth control pills to treat grapes, is purely rumor.

Some growers were of the view that this is their peers not planting seedless grape, while nuclear grapes and sell, in order to promote their nuclear-grape, deliberately made the rumor.

Find deer Kuang village, the villagers said, they worry now is eating and not eating well, sleeping awake every day just looked ripe grapes to rot in the fields. Villagers planted five or six acres of grapes per household, an annual net income of sixty thousand or seventy thousand Yuan, this one, measured in accordance with grape prices right now, income can be reduced by half.

Farmers say, with birth control pills the breeding of seedless grapes, nonsense, someone was deliberately fabricated rumors. Exactly how seedless grapes are cultivated, birth control pills can be used in grape-growing do? with these questions, the reporters came to Yantai Academy, found the Academy of experts specializing in viticulture.

Grape growing expert Tang Meiling, told reporters that seedless grapes sold in the market is now divided into two, one without any artificial processing, is itself a nuclear-free; another is nuclear seedless grapes, the most typical, is the Muscat grape.

Tang Meiling experts find Lu Kuang village of farmers cooperatives and Jiang Kejun is the same, that is after the denuclearization process of the grapes is in fact artificially add something called gibberellic acid, plant growth regulators, to inhibit the growth of seeds. But add a human gibberellic acid can also stimulate the fruit, inflated, so the seedless grapes.

Tang Meiling, experts say, GA this biological agents is a harmless, recognized worldwide, you can spray a biological agent in the grape. Gibberellin melamine plant itself, eat normal nuclear grapes, also intake from plant gibberellin. And human processing of gibberellin, actually is a, by Gibberella of some secretion real produced of plant growth regulators, this regulation agent not chemical synthesis of regulation agent, is including China, and EU, and United States, and Japan, worldwide recognized of, can with in grape Shang using of biological preparations, and dosage very less, because with more has not only no with, instead will makes fruit stem twisted deformation, even sometimes will produced size grain.

After test, sprayed thirty or forty days after the test, basic is of minimal residual disease, we can eat seedless grapes. Grapes on the birth control pill, cannot inhibit the growth of grapes, also could not cultivate seedless grapes.

Through field interview farmers, and to grape planting experts ask, we know has: online and friends circle in "with pill foster seedless grape" of claims is nonsense, hope general public understand has truth zhihou, no longer believes rumors, also no longer to spread such of rumors, hope Yantai General planting grape of farmers, in experience has this short of injured zhihou, can put himself sweet delicious of grape earlier sold out.

避孕药培育无核葡萄吃了绝育!微信朋友圈谣言害苦蓬莱果农 - 葡萄,避孕药 - IT资讯














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