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published in(发表于) 2016/9/3 8:58:35 Edit(编辑)
Who wants to be a successful innovation? The ten traits you possess,

Who wants to be a successful innovation? The ten traits you possess,(想成为创新成功者?这十项特质你必须具备,)



Who wants to be a successful innovation? The ten traits you possess-innovation, business-IT information

A lot of highly creative people are often criticized because of the way, because their behavior is often surprising. They often were ridiculed and misunderstood by others until they make something great, talent around them began to envy them, and wanted to follow in their footsteps. In fact, some of them owned by successful traits, we can also develop, as long as we are willing to open the mind to think more flexibly.

1. status quo

Highly creative successes naturally is not satisfied with the status quo. They are very easy to get tired of the status quo, often someone will accuse them of "jumping up and down all day long." They are never satisfied with, is because they are extremely open, always strong interest to experience new things. They work in the mechanical boring environments often are not good, because their mind always wanders elsewhere. For such people, their happiness and sense of achievement from overcome one challenge after another, or another makes them excited and exciting project.

Highly creative success every time when looking for a new experience, will be holding the "beginner" attitude, no matter how much experience they have accumulated. They thought jumping, consciousness is strong, curious, always ask a lot of questions, rarely claims to know everything. That mindset helps them see things in a whole new perspective. They not only knowing the result, but would also like to know why. If it were not so eager to ask well, they cannot be based on a high degree of creativity to solve problems.

2. take risks

Highly creative success boldly by taking risks. They tend to be very brave, willing to bet everything on a purpose. They are full of curiosity, and in the process of trial and error is still showing interest in learning. They can tolerate failure and either personally, or the head of a team, they can use their wisdom and courage in order to effectively implement those creative ideas.

Highly creative winners more than most people do not easily frightened. They liked that feeling of adrenaline surge, if they feel the adrenaline surge is not enough, they will be eager to turn off your body's "balanced" psychologically strong enough to easily toss themselves until they restore the kind of tension to "normal" – their "normal" is walking a tightrope between risk and failure. This is how they thrive on risks and opportunities, and they believed that to overcome immediate difficulties on their own.

3. creative thinking

Creative talent is the inventor rather than observers. They do not like to live a different life with someone else, also don't want to have the same as everybody else's ideas, reputation and even copying the success of others. They are not content to just sit in a draught. Highly creative winners kept busy creating, there is little the rest of the time. They especially like to drain their energy, will devote all one's creativity to the project at hand. Highly creative success was also particularly adept at using the perceptual and the rational thinking, so as to further improve their ability to innovate. Most people prefer in their controlled areas focus on details and trivia on uncharted territory is prohibitive, but creative success is dare to adventures in uncharted territory. Can creative success is both artist and scientist.

4. leadership

The winners tend to be highly creative authority, they think bureaucracy will only stifle their creativity, limits on their behavior, and enable them to give full play to their potential, naturally confused on the changing world. Because they are unwilling to comply with the rules, so a lot of people may think that they will never be able to succeed. In addition, they prefer to lead rather than head to head. They are more interested in people rather than numbers, their choice of work tend to be in service of a greater whole, and not just serve the system itself.

5. the curious

Creative talent of these actions are often based on curiosity. They like to touch and learn new things, and they often enjoy the curiosity has caused great anxiety, fear and excitement and other emotions. Because they like the novelty of experiencing, this curiosity also creates a layer of mystery and imagination, which can bring true happiness for them. Because of their endless curiosity and always in pursuit of new experiences, so this also enhances the chances of success of their innovation, but also so that they can more naturally exploring the deeper meaning of life.

6. ignoring the rules

Innovative winners believe that if they lived with the flow of the day, eventually will only end up lost in the crowd. They may be subject to criticism, many people want them underfoot, and many people choose to support them, but in any case, they fearlessly continued their pursuit. Highly creative winners know that their struggle is not only for personal benefit, but in order to achieve a lofty goal. Therefore, when you have to break a few rules, and they decided to be a rule-breaker. But once they find themselves becoming comfortable, they will consciously break the comfort of the status quo. Can say that at some point of his career, each of them must break the rules, because only in this way, they could birth a new level of innovation.

7. work independently

Highly innovative winners think of their own nature and ambition, this will make them independent, growth, happiness and integrity. They don't shy away from challenges and hardships, but hardships as a growth path. They will never follow a doctrine of his own weakness, crowd or regret road. Innovation winner at quietly working alone, and then used successfully to prove everything. In the pursuit of personal freedom, they explore their destiny alone.

8. variable

Due to the creative success is open to new experiences, so they are often very divergent thinking people. They often do not respect traditional, impulsive, and not very likable, but they have a low tolerance for frustration. Some creative people tend to make "high cool" impression, in fact they just unfathomable, and thinking and ways of working and living in the fiercely independent. But their mood is not boring, but their brain is "overclocking" operation, so when they are deep into the innovation process, when, will often change their mind.

9. eccentric

Innovative winners and mad scientists. In reality, they are creative geniuses. They all have unique characteristics, but also has great enthusiasm, can fully immerse themselves in their work, sometimes they don't even focus on forgotten self, lose track of time and space. They know from experience, and if some of their inspiration and some emotion, so they get more inspiration, and this Association was stronger. In addition, various aspects of innovation seems to be chaotic and difficult to understand. For example, successful innovations are often associated with new experiences, inspiration, super active, impulsive, rebellious, critical thinking, rigorous and conscience, character trait. These contradictory qualities together, these innovative winners often seem eccentric.

10. dream house

It is because daydreaming habit and creative success was able to run away from the present moment, to think about those things for the future. Brain fantasy Center not only makes their future selves, can also imagine other people what we want or need. In this way, creative vision winners know they may for other people's ideas and affect demand. Innovation winner not born lacking vision, so they can according to their own perceived consumer demand, to fantasize about how it can change the world. They care not a life of pampered life, but to make sense of his life. Highly creative winners tend to have high ambitions, and work tirelessly, and don't mind being treated like madmen and eccentrics. These people though are a lot of people mocking objects, that they are the world's greatest innovators.

想成为创新成功者?这十项特质你必须具备 - 创新,创业 - IT资讯
























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