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published in(发表于) 2016/9/1 12:36:25 Edit(编辑)
Security becomes increasingly tested China overseas, the Embassy security have any merit?

Security becomes increasingly tested China overseas, the Embassy security have any merit?(海外安全问题日益考验中国,使馆安保有啥高招?)



Overseas security security becomes increasingly tested Chinese Embassy have any merit?

Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Embassy car bomb attacks on the morning of August 30, local time, killing 3 officers of the Embassy were slightly injured.

On August 30, in the Kyrgyzstan capital of Bishkek, police cars parked near the site of the explosion. (Xinhua reporters Chen Yao photo)

China Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regular press conference on August 30, according to Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan said the Embassy attack, China has asked Kyrgyzstan quickly to thoroughly investigate the truth, punish the murderers.

In recent years, Western countries in Central Asia, West Asia and North Africa embassies have repeatedly faced a similar danger. United States "wired" magazine's Web site describes it, security around the embassies and diplomats, and States with the "invisible enemy" waging "war without end", then the States to have the kind of security entrance?

  Embassy security differentiated

Levels of security at embassies, usually based on the State in which the threat of terrorist attack to determine, such as Embassy security levels are relatively low in Western countries, and in Iraq, and Afghanistan and other war zones, some of the country's Embassy security is armed to the teeth.

In accordance with the Vienna Convention, diplomatic personnel, their families and offices, sites should be respected by the host country and the protection of life. Normal international relations, providing perimeter security for consulates in countries having diplomatic relations with the host country, embassies of internal security in the country to send security personnel. Security outside the Embassy by the host country, under normal circumstances would send Interior troops or police. To guard against a potential terrorist attack, embassies generally heightened and reinforced the walls doors practices in recent years, but it is only better than nothing. But if the Embassy terrorist attack received information, you can notify the host country's security sector in order to strengthen the perimeter of the Embassy guards and patrols, while embassies will also reduce the staff to go out.

Not every country will have its own armed guards of the Embassy staff on duty. Embassies are usually based on risk levels of high and low, deciding whether to send security forces. United States, for example, offices are almost always wear uniforms and do not wear a uniform of the United States Marine Corps Embassy security guard (MCESG). According to the "global security" Web site reported that their main task was to ensure that United States consulates within the security, such as protection of the Embassy staff to prevent confidential files was stolen by the enemy in the Pavilion.

MCESG and also in the case of an emergency, to defend the country United States residents and United States Government property task. In recent years, the security situation in some countries having diplomatic relations with complex diplomatic and consular presence of armed secret service agents. According to official reports, in May 2003, the armed police corps in Beijing, China deployed officers and men, with the Ambassador Sun Bigan will visit to Iraq to complete the Chinese Ambassador to Iraq Embassy Hall of complex tasks, this is the first time China's armed police out of the country to take similar tasks.

In addition in some stricken areas, due to lack of conditions as well as the host's own police force, the embassies of many countries will choose to get together in the hotel Office, such mutual assistance in collection of national security forces.

  United States Embassy security attention

United States stationed in Jordan's capital Amman Embassy. (File photo)

In order to improve Embassy safety sensitive areas, countries in "anti-technology" cast the enormous resources in the field, in order to reduce risks to a minimum. In terms of hardware facilities, United States Embassy preparedness is extremely tight. After all, the United States often in the world of "tanking", so that missions abroad also suffered frequent attacks. According to incomplete statistics, since 1983, the United States diplomatic service (including buildings, people and vehicles) victims of attacks and attempted attacks up to more than 300 employees.

In accordance with United States provisions of the State Council of China, United States Embassy should be selected in the outer suburbs in sensitive countries, covers the best of more than 600 acres, buildings from the wall outside the three-meter, and designed and constructed in accordance with explosion-proof requirements and 4.6 meters may be installed for any arms off the ground, and to stay away from streets all around the walls of at least 30 m.

United States stationed in Jordan capital of Amman's Embassy was exemplary, the whole building is shaped the same military forts, are within 100 meters around the open spaces, more than three meters high reinforced concrete walls last power grids that dug deep trenches outside the walls and gate have Jordan special forces armored vehicles guarded Amman, that members of the public will be United States Embassy jokingly referred to as "the most luxurious prison in town."

Is located in Islamic Fort of United States standing Pakistan Embassy also has "similar" of wonderful, it built in halfway up the Shang, overlooking Islamic Fort urban, around around with with grid of cement wall, are front 10 meters laid two road cement isolation Pier, roadside set with with English and Urdu language writing of "ban stay and photography" of warning brand, and Pakistan police of patrol car each across number minutes on in United States Embassy front around.

  Guard against car bomb attacks is an important trend

The car bomb attack on the Chinese Embassy, is the established practice of terrorist organizations in recent years. In this connection, the United Kingdom approach reference points. Set in war-torn countries of the United Kingdom Embassy after careful protection preparation, according to passive defense, prevention, deterrence, active defense, five measures, such as improved safety, especially in recent years, "vehicle crash" such terrorist attacks, United Kingdom take a more careful handling.

According to the United Kingdom of the combat and survival magazine, fixed the security not only of the building within the building itself and the safety of personnel, even the facilities security, evacuation and emergency health care, be taken into account, so not like TV, often said to rely solely on so-called "200 metres in depth" can rest easy. Due to the large amounts of explosives detonated powerful shock wave, the most effective method is to let the attacker will spread their explosives close to within the target range.

United Kingdom Embassy facilities of security measures stressed through quantitative analysis various explosion attacks case, established up corresponding of check program (for example easy human carry of explosion real, explosion power about is equal to 50 pounds TNT explosives; and car explosion real power may reached 1000 pounds TNT), if found (suspected) handheld explosion real Shi, at least to will RADIUS 150 feet within all buildings in the of personnel evacuation; if found car explosion real, is at least to will RADIUS 400 feet within buildings within of personnel evacuation.

However it is worth noting is that vehicle varies with the power of explosives, for example, in 1993 the "base" first attacked the World Trade Center vehicle only 1300 lbs of explosives, but the 1995 Oklahoma City Federal building attack up to 4800 pounds of explosives were used. According to global security research organization in 2012, the terrorist group launched a suicide car explosion the explosion of cases there is a growing trend, so countries for these types of threats must be considered as early as possible.

  China overseas security is tested

Hua Chunying, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said on August 30, and China at the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan Embassy strongly condemns the serious terrorist attacks.

Outside Chinese embassies have previously been isolation, harassment of the enemy forces, but never as serious as this. For example, July 6, 2009, Chinese Ambassador to Netherlands Embassy suffered over more than 150 "East Turkistan Islamic movement" protest, the Embassy Windows were smashed. Also happened times China's embassies and consulates were throwing Molotov cocktails events.

"Overseas safety, China's new" Germany global news 30th said diplomatic institutions in China has been relatively safe. By contrast, the United States and other Western countries institutions frequently attacked. With the increasing global terror situation, and China's position in the international political and economic trends overseas, this pressure is also increasing in China. The future, China will speed up the pace of international action against terrorism.

United Kingdom, the financial times said, as China's investment into unstable areas such as the Middle East, Africa, and now more and more Chinese citizens suffer the effects of terrorism and violence, two peacekeepers killed in South Sudan last month.

United Kingdom the guardian report also referred to the 2015 Temple Erawan Bangkok bomb attacks, the attack caused many casualties among Chinese tourists. United Kingdom Royal Army said Pan Ruifan, international security studies, Director of the Institute, after no major attacks against Chinese interests in Central Asia, but in this event there is an increasing trend in the world.

"And the United States compared to the defensive strength of embassies and consulates in China is relatively weak in the safety precautions, but the basic defensive measures without problems. "Special Assistant to the President of the China Institute of contemporary international relations, Li said that in the context of international terrorism spreading obvious, China not only needs to pay attention to their own terrorism prevention and response measures, and to strengthen international cooperation against terrorism. The attack abroad, China is at risk of terrorist attack example. At present, some counter-terrorism cooperation mechanisms have been established in Central Asia, China, to curb the spread of terrorism in the context of international played a role.

Author: Tian Yu Bai Yunyi Aoki majunheshan dream Liu Yupeng Wei Hui

Synthesis: global times, CCTV NET

(Editors: xiaowugang UN845)
2016-09-01 16:59:02
海外安全问题日益考验中国 使馆安保有啥高招?


8月30日,在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克,警车停在爆炸地点附近。 (新华社记者 陈瑶 摄)



























  作者:田聿 马俊 何山梦 青木 白云怡 柳玉鹏 魏辉


(责任编辑:肖武岗 UN845)
2016-09-01 16:59:02

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