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published in(发表于) 2016/8/31 12:22:50 Edit(编辑)
United States iron rendering high exposure: slightly MoE,

United States iron rendering high exposure: slightly MoE,(美国全新一代高铁渲染图曝光:外形略萌,)



United States iron rendering high exposure: slightly MoE-high-speed rail, United States-IT information

On August 31, United States railway company has announced that in 2021, has launched a new generation of high-speed rail. Its lightweight structure, aerodynamic design, maximum speed up to 300 km.

Allegedly, the current United States railway companies have been the Federal Government's $ 2.45 billion loan, of which about $ 2 billion on building a new generation of high-speed rail for at least 28 groups, and the rest is used for overhaul of the Northeast Corridor rail line.

Compared to the existing Acela Express (top speed of 241 km), new high-speed rail lines would increase 33% seats, and provides additional USB ports and power outlet, optimized wireless network quality. According to reports, 95% parts of the new trains will be in the United States manufacturing, will be for the United States to create 1000 jobs.

Below is a rendering of the new train diagram, shape is not some cute?

美国全新一代高铁渲染图曝光:外形略萌 - 高铁,美国 - IT资讯





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