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published in(发表于) 2016/8/31 12:22:46 Edit(编辑)
The notorious “deflowered wine“ shop at the cat, Taobao shielding urgently,

The notorious “deflowered wine“ shop at the cat, Taobao shielding urgently,(那支名声在外的“失身酒”在天猫上开网店,淘宝火速屏蔽,)



The notorious "deflowered wine" shop at the cat, Taobao firing shield-cat, caffeine, drink-IT information

The banner of "virginity wine" every summer in the guise of an imported drinks seem to have, but the package of Four Loko appears to be the most "genuine".

In August, four women from Nanjing after 6 bottle drinking Four Loko in the KTV unconscious, survived looting. On social networks, this wine friends have jokingly referred to as "fragment" or "virginity."

United States media recently reported that Four Loko is not only became the hot topic of social networks in China, also opened a flagship store on the Romans in the cat. Named "fourloko flagship store" (capitalization and spaces sic) shop to be certified as "brand direct" sale of about 10 flavors of Four Loko drink, single-bottle price of 66.8.

Four Loko was founded in 2005 by United States company named Phusion Projects of Chicago production and sales markets including North America, Europe and China and the United States continental Caribbean. This summer, Four Loko entered the Chinese market, including through the Taobao shopping service channels.

But the paradox is, this experimental search in Taobao ape "Four Loko" or "four Baroque" keyword will show "according to relevant laws, regulations and policies, can't show, baby." Experimental APE and then "fourloko flagship store" service in discussing this issue, said that he did not know.

According to the majority of consumers said the brightly wrapped of Bacardi breezer drinks taste like juice, unwittingly drank too much, the man lost consciousness. According to the cat "fourloko flagship store" argument, 695 ml bottle of Four Loko, power equivalent to "half a dozen bottles of beer, or 5 glasses of pure whiskey, or 45 ° 5 glasses of red wine."

Information from the official website of the Four Loko show, the brand now has two distributors in China, namely Guangxi would like to sharp trading co and Shenyang o Meled Woo trade co., Ltd. According to the cat "fourloko flagship store" consumer reviews, the shop sells is imported from Guangxi would like to sharpen domestic.

Four Loko malt liquor as a base similar to the whisky, 6%, 7%, 8%, 12% and 14% and other alcohol products. In the earliest versions of Four Loko formula contains taurine and nerve stimulants such as caffeine and Guarana, which is normally used in energy drinks. Under the interaction between caffeine and alcohol drinkers, prone to temporary loss of intuitive consequences.

In the United States, Four Loko has created great controversy. On November 17, 2010, the United States food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning letter to the alcoholic beverage industry, says adding caffeine to alcohol base is not safe to drink. New York, Oregon, Utah, Michigan, Oklahoma and Washington State were to pass a Bill to suspend Four Loko sales in local.

"Drinking a few glasses of Four Loko, because doing so much shame to be outdoors. ”

Since then, Four Loko, Phusion Projects announced for production companies to stop using caffeine, taurine and Guarana, the conversion into pure alcoholic beverage and non-beverage energy drink sales.

Commenters in a foreign country, this thing with liquid drugs are probably about the same thing.

"Basically, and a small mountain of cocaine while riding"--UrbanDictionary

"I drink Four Loko? You are a drug dealer? ”

Perhaps opens the door to the unknown keys.

"The drink Four Loko, an hour your body change? ”

"Your life will be totally different. ”

Related: Coca-Cola's new product "full water" experience: even 15 hours sleep could not wake

那支名声在外的“失身酒”在天猫上开网店,淘宝火速屏蔽 - 天猫,咖啡因,饮料 - IT资讯

打着“失身酒”幌子的进口酒精饮料似乎每年夏天都有,但包装花哨的Four Loko似乎是个中最“名副其实”的了。

今年8月,四位来自南京的女性在KTV中劲饮6瓶Four Loko之后失去知觉,险遭抢劫。在社交网络上,这支酒也被网友戏称作“断片酒”或“失身酒”。

美国媒体近日报道,Four Loko不仅成为了中国社交网络的热议话题,还入乡随俗地在天猫上开设了旗舰店。这家名为“fourloko旗舰店”(大小写及空格原文如此)的淘宝店被认证为“品牌直销”,销售约10种口味的Four Loko饮料,单瓶价66.8元。

Four Loko创立于2005年,由美国芝加哥一家名为Phusion Projects的企业生产销售,市场包括北美、欧洲和中国和美国洲加勒比地区。今年夏天,Four Loko通过淘宝代购等渠道进入中国市场。

不过吊诡的是,今天实验猿在淘宝中搜索“Four Loko”或“四洛克”等关键字,会显示出“根据相关法律法规和政策,无法显示相关宝贝”。实验猿随后与“fourloko旗舰店”的客服谈及此事,对方表示并不知情。

据多数消费者表示,这支包装鲜艳的预调酒喝起来口感类似果汁,不知不觉就喝多了,整个人会失去意识。根据天猫“fourloko旗舰店”的说法,一瓶695毫升的Four Loko,威力等同于“半打瓶装啤酒,或5杯45°纯威士忌、或5杯红酒”。

来自Four Loko官方网站的信息显示,目前该品牌在中国有两家经销商,分别为广西谨锐贸易有限公司和沈阳澳美莱宇商贸有限公司。根据天猫“fourloko旗舰店”的消费者评论,该网店销售的是由广西谨锐进口到国内。

Four Loko以类似威士忌的麦芽蒸馏酒为基酒,有6%、7%、8%、12%和14%等不同酒精度产品。在最早版本的Four Loko配方中,含有牛磺酸、咖啡因和瓜拉纳等神经兴奋剂,这些通常被用在能量饮料中。饮用者在咖啡因和烈酒共同作用下,极易出现暂时丧失直觉的后果。

在美国,Four Loko也引发过很大争议。2010年11月17日,美国食品药物监察局(FDA)向酒精饮料行业发出警告信,称将咖啡因添加到烈酒基酒的饮料中是不安全的。包括纽约州、俄勒冈州、犹他州、密歇根州、俄克拉荷马州和华盛顿州均通过法案,暂停Four Loko在当地的销售。

“喝了几杯Four Loko,因为做了太多丢人的事情无法出门。”

此后,Four Loko的生产公司Phusion Projects宣布彻底停用咖啡因、牛磺酸和瓜拉纳,将这种饮料改成纯粹的酒精饮料而非能量饮料销售。



“请我喝Four Loko?你是毒贩吗?”


“喝下Four Loko一小时,你的身体会发生什么变化?”



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