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published in(发表于) 2016/8/31 12:22:17 Edit(编辑)
If you don’t play games, not masochistic, don’t sell meat, live Web is the future of what?

If you don’t play games, not masochistic, don’t sell meat, live Web is the future of what?(如果不打游戏、不自虐、不卖肉,网络直播的未来是啥?)



If you don't play games, not masochistic, don't sell meat, live Web is the future of what? -Webcast-IT information

The first half, everyone was talking about "net red" today, everyone is talking about "live". According to iResearch data at the end of 2015, " online live streaming platform in China number nearly 200, including Webcast market size of about 9 billion yuan, webcast platform, the number of users had reached 200 million people, large live platform during peak periods and close to 4 million people a day, and live more than 3,000 rooms. "In 2016 and the first half of this figure also soared: only Webcast platform users grew by 60%, reaching 325 million . New live streaming platform is endless in the first half (according to industry source said: every 6 minutes there is a new live streaming platform). Live, live broadcasting, VR are emerging brand of education that "live is the next micro-signal to the public," the voice and numerous.

But people know perfectly well: live up to now, most of the flow is still at "broadcast standard": games, net red, see. Occasionally there will be some variety. Although everyone understood, based on the show's live format, in fact, limited to a broadcast either operating or imagined spaces are very low level. But in addition to these live forms, from the perspective of traffic, in fact, very few successful cases.

However, even so, there are still people making new exploration of live. Last weekend, I attended the one in Beijing's "live +" global industrial and broadcast industry Summit Forum of the General Assembly. By the head of the Conference live broadcast, China + live, Caijing and the Internet Industry Alliance, claimed to "aims to radically reform, strengthening self-discipline, make live return to the essence of value to promote the Internet" live + "healthy development of the industry; the development of shared economic, power of innovation and the supply side reforms. "During the meeting, the industry not only to challenge the existing show live-chaos, also presented the" live green "concept. This concept, which refers to some of the ideas generated in my thinking: what is the future of live?

"Live" so what seems to be the problem?

In the view of the industry, makes "live green", it is because the broadcast industry was an inflection point, and embodied, is frequent all sorts of chaos.

First: live is the homogenization operation, frequency of homogeneity, the homogenization of content. In particular, the homogeneity is very serious, basic 99% to show the class live;

Second: the lot was vulgar, and false data. "If every day was like that amount of data on one platform, and if you add up all the data platform for data population, China is likely to exceed, even over several times. ”。 Industry insiders cited an example, he saw a meeting on August 25, the Studio was 618, claimed was 540,000, gaps in 873 times.

The third policy risks. The Ministry of culture, the Ministry of public security of China from late July to October the entire live broadcast platform content reorganized again, according to him is "atmosphere".

In the view of the industry, live mode actually distort the live of this sort should have value. He preferred to live as a convenient, true connection. "Live is a connection and a content production, which all of us are already familiar with. Next live will become a standard for Internet applications. ”

In particular, he cited an example: "the catering trade scene live first solve the problem? First live kitchen users, address to diner for security concerns. Does anyone still use it done shop the whole store tour management. "In addition to what can be achieved when live + medical, live + education can achieve what, live + show what can be achieved, live + agriculture, live + manufacturing and so on. This is the so-called "live +".

Business hope this way to create completely different from the addition of another show broadcast. The result is that he takes charge of broadcast, "Supremo live" set from the start at value live, commercial broadcasting, community broadcasting, and knowledge-sharing platform, leader broadcast do rigorous real-name authentication at the outset, live publisher responsible for their own content, responsible for their own content value, of course, charge live content will be strictly audited.

Live's future should not only be a man of flesh and eyeballs, but "live green" is not just another way of thinking about

Must admit, to attend this Conference, there are some really touches me, with some presence of its owner after chatting live, this impression is deepened to me.

The reason is that we live may be limited from the outset.

Nature of language can influence a person's thinking, when we are talking about an abstract concept, the concept of mind is often mapped out the most famous entity. Review live craze, originates from the YY shows the broadcast boom, the rise in the game live, trigger was "17" fad. These three tools in the history of live play an important contribution, but it cannot be denied that also produced another kind of feeling: live help establish contact with all three.

In fact, broadcasting should indeed have another possibility. If I had one word to describe, in fact, it is a micro-letters, Twitter is similar to independent video streaming service, with mobile side combined, its biggest feature is that allows everyone, anytime, and output your video stream to the outside world.

Video as a medium : video is the live basic export tool, its advantages are obvious, beyond the reach of its lively and perception.

Anytime, anywhere : as long as there is cell phone, live can ignore any obstacle, can occur at any time in life, it is more important not to interrupt your life, but can exist with life.

Real and uncontrollable : live is probably the most direct one, unable to clip and no cover, Live is monitoring . Before a person may be prepared, but he was not charged. He cannot know what will happen after, by sharing the uncontrollable, it symbolizes a person's grip on the future to you. So live is the most intimate of relationships. But also will let people into the most controversial awkwardly.

Interactive : live interaction was marginally stronger, and it has a text and a variety of ways. More important is the interaction of sensory, you interact, impact to the people and the world itself. You are clearly aware of this

Resorted to body and the real world : this is the most important I think live highlight point. Why people are fascinated by women who live on? The essential reason is that, feeling a person's body, the body is in fact the weakest part of the Internet. People on the Internet are the subject of a false mirror, even a short video is garnished, illusory State. But live different, live is a living body. This is the most important, but is a person with "porn" to ignore that.

Precisely because of these points, in fact, I agree with the above statement, live is a connection. If used on a connection between man and man, such as the community, which can stimulate the senses better than other channels, touch people's feelings, and generate better results. In addition to people outside, live real patterns also help other people to observe the world. By live, we can learn about our food is assured, can interact with app group more closely, can distance learning how to postpartum care, it will really become we understanding the realities of each other, understanding distant part.

Perhaps this is "all live" true meaning, is full of live to know each other, expand your horizons and looking for commercial value. Rather than all when red, all for show.

However, this ideal of "live" one vision, business model, however, I am afraid, is not optimistic.

The reason for this is, although vulgar show mode, but its business model is clear: flow of dividends and profit tips (this is how the media has been doing since 2000). Trafficking is also very well: high-quality resources (whether it is beautiful or dare to masochistic men) scarcity. Its anchor is not universal, nor universal. However, it can provide platform and best personal gain considerable profits, can support the significant bandwidth costs.

Universal interactive "live +" will have more participation than show mode, there will be more public value. Industry believes that everyone other than demand for entertainment, there are other requirements, including high demand, this could be his broadcast mode is based. But the problem is that if the media mode, which provides resources for most people, like midnight and as scarce as good young men willing to chat with you?

I interview some of the traditional enterprise businesses, they are hoping to use broadcast platform to create its own content, their "live +", let the audience know, to provide users with better service. But the problem may be that most of the content they provide is not scarce (although perhaps some real scarcity of content), some nice but more professional. Really interested in the content, maybe most are their users and are heavy users, but they broadcast was meant to attract more new users, this has become a contradiction. App, you can also clip, edit to improve, but if used to live, I am afraid that most of the content is attracting much audience.

(If the decoration on the first day, pancake, surgery was really fun, but even three days? )

Of course, some live with quality content related to science and technology, culture, education, looks can be combined with current content venture, which is one of the hottest concepts. But it is actually a surplus, while the video sometimes an obstacle to deep content conveyed. Explore live advantage (for example, strong interaction) and before such content combined with live advantage relative to text or speech was not immediately apparent.

If using social networking and micro-letter groups, extension of the social product, it's certainly good, but domestic social networking Giants have divided up the area.

Look, "live +" is not content, and products and way of thinking. Cannot profit from a single flow of dividends, but for a scattered audience, vertical content, designing a more reliable means of communication, and consumption to achieve seamless access, which are actually live broadcasts of future innovative products to do. "Head" started trying, but like "17" as a phenomenal product, may have to for some time.

Policy control and live product changes may be decided to live an important factor in future

However, in addition to the reform of the model of external, there are two factors, I think it will influence the future of broadcast:

One of them is a matter of policy. Live the biggest problem is beyond their control. Nobody knows what will happen live, if its potential audience, it will turn into things that make any headache for regulators. In the media, usually have both proactive and reactive management mechanism. Live but it is difficult to define in advance, because it happens in real time, even if you delete, problems can also occur. As a content control, means that in practice even spread unintentionally, may also be involved with national law contrary to the contents of, at that time, how to control, and how? The handling of these will directly affect the future broadcasting policy space and economy. In addition, part of the live broadcast could involve copyright issues, how to handle?

Second is the product. As mentioned above, direct seeding if you want to break the "show mode", and even play the maximum potential of live, I'm afraid not only to control content as simple as that. And must be renewed on a live product, and even interior designing business models. This design will be like? Can be combined with other vertical or severe platform? Live broadcasting was a complete broadcast platform for the future or just a few vertical, centralized content broadcast in different areas? These changes will also expand our new understanding of the broadcast.

However, although the garrulous wrote so much, I look forward to live. Whether it is "live green", is what kind of live, I really want to be able to break the pattern of existing, let live went out to everyone. After all, I am PingWest science and technology reporter, but occasionally would like to guest anchorman.

如果不打游戏、不自虐、不卖肉,网络直播的未来是啥? - 网络直播 - IT资讯

上半年,人人都在谈“网红”,如今,人人都在谈“直播”。根据艾瑞的数据,在2015年底,“中国在线直播平台数量接近200家,其中网络直播的市场规模约为90亿元,网络直播平台用户数量已经达到2亿人,大型直播平台每日高峰时段同时在线人数接近400万人,同时进行直播的房间数量超过3000个。”,而在2016年上半年,这一数字又大幅攀升:仅网络直播平台用户就增长了 60 %,达到 3.25亿。而上半年出现的新的直播平台更是数不胜数(据业内人士称:每过6分钟就有一个新的直播平台)。教育直播、品牌直播、VR直播纷纷登场,认为“直播是下一个微信公众号 ”的呼声,数不胜数。


不过,即使如此,仍然有人做出对直播的新探索。在上周末,我参加了一场在北京举办的“ 直播+”全球产业大会暨直播行业高峰论坛。会议由掌门直播、中国网、《财经》和互联网直播+产业联盟主办,宣称要“旨在正本清源、加强行业自律,让直播回归价值本质,推动互联网“直播+”产业健康发展;发展共享经济、助力创新创业和供给侧改革。”在会议中,业内人士不仅对现存的秀场直播乱象提出质疑,还提出了 “绿色直播”的概念 。这一概念,即会议中提到的一些观点却引发我的思考:直播的未来是什么?







具体而言,他举了一个例子:“餐饮行业场景直播首先解决什么问题?首先解决直播后厨跟用户,解决来吃饭人的对于安全的顾虑。还有人用它做了整个店的巡店管理。”除此之外,直播+医疗的时候可以实现什么,直播+教育可以实现什么,直播+展会可以实现什么,直播+农业实现什么,直播+制造业等等。这也就是所谓的“ 直播+ ”。











诉诸身体和现实世界:这是我认为直播最重要突出的一点。为什么人们为直播上的女性着迷?其本质原因在于,感受到了一个人的身体,身体性实际上是互联网最弱的一部分。人们在互联网上是一个虚幻的主体镜像,甚至短视频也是修饰好的,虚幻的状态。但是直播不同,直播呈现的是活生生的肉体存在。这是它最重要的,但是被人以“色情 ”给忽视掉的一点。






我现场采访了一些传统企业的商户,他们非常希望利用直播平台制作自己的内容,完成自己的 “直播+”,让受众了解自己,为用户提供更好的服务。但问题可能是,他们提供的内容大部分并不稀缺(尽管或许有一部分真正稀缺的内容),有些精彩但较为专业。真正对这些内容感兴趣的,或许绝大多数还是他们原有的用户,而且是重度用户,但他们进行直播的本意是吸引更多的陌生用户,这又成为了矛盾。在微信公号时期,还可以通过剪辑,编辑来改善,但是如果用来直播,恐怕大部分的内容都吸引不到多少观众。




看上去,“ 直播+ ” 并不是内容,而且是产品和思维方式。不能从单一的流量红利中赚取利润,而要面向分散用户、垂直内容,设计更可靠的沟通方式,与消费达到无痕接入,这实际上是未来更新颖的直播产品要做的。“掌门”开始了尝试,但是要像“17”那样成为现象级产品,恐怕还要相当时间。






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