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published in(发表于) 2016/8/31 12:22:06 Edit(编辑)
Chinese University “first class“ dining room Interior exposure, user: other people’s canteens,

Chinese University “first class“ dining room Interior exposure, user: other people’s canteens,(中国大学“头等舱”食堂内景曝光,网友:人家的食堂,)



Chinese University "first class" dining room Interior exposure, user: Family Dining Hall-University canteen-IT information

No sitting in first class? Unfortunately, the new school, Nanjing Aeronautics and Astronautics University fifth cafeteria with strong visual Marvel appearance in first class. Smooth ceiling and cabin curved wall shape, window magic space, coupled with a soft sofa, reminding us in the clouds. In the first cafeteria food Park, kids can watch movies, play board games.

CSN v Jiangning campus cafeteria

Want to experience the feeling of dining in first class? Nanjing Aeronautics and Astronautics University canteens for the new semester has just revealed may desire to make friends.

Dining area is classified according to the engine room, the far left side of the area is "VIP first class", the white walls are designed to be arch, shaped like a cabin, each next to tables and chairs there is a "Bullseye", depicting magic star charts. Hanging on the wall Wall lamp shines in "portholes" on, as if the window is in outer space.

Dining tables and chairs are brand new, green leather couch feels texture.

My gaze over to the dining room of the Central, the C919, "Jian 10" fighter model, placed in the Hall of the Windows, these are southern comrades involved in the design and production of the plane.

Hide five civil aviation college dormitory in the middle of the dining room, pilot trainees were regulars. In a newly renovated dining hall, there is a pilot's dining area. Dining table and chairs and "first class".

"Although mark pilot-dining area, but all students can use," Teacher Tong Lili southern logistics group catering service center, hoping to allow new students to a school will be able to experience the deep flavor of aerospace.

Ming Palace, nuaa "gourmet" is more like a "petty bourgeoisie" style theme restaurant. Wall with all kinds of kitchen utensils into large and small map of China style, there is a big Blackboard, draw all kinds of top-quality course of writing on the Blackboard. On the roof, hanging a model plane, both traditional and modern.

Southern Ming Palace, nuaa canteen

Recreation area in the cafeteria, movie screens and projectors have been installed in the wall. At night, some friends watch a movie together, as well as a multi-function game table, billiards, table tennis, hockey, chess, 8 game play.

Zheng followed the daughter from Chongqing came into the dining room and pulled out his phone quickly take pictures, "there was worry that kids don't like canteens, run out for take-out, but the dining environment is relieved. "

中国大学“头等舱”食堂内景曝光,网友:人家的食堂 - 大学,食堂 - IT资讯













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