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published in(发表于) 2016/8/28 10:31:23 Edit(编辑)
“The world’s first Otaku“ bedroom new photo: thought into animation and game stores

“The world’s first Otaku“ bedroom new photo: thought into animation and game stores(“世界第一宅男”卧室新照:以为进入动漫游戏专卖店,)



"The world's first Otaku" bedroom new photo: thought into animation and game stores-the second element, Otaku-IT information

When it comes to men from Switzerland Melonpan boy must be familiar, the otaku prosperity even in the second element of Japan heard the players and called it "the world's first House", "lunatic Otaku in Europe." Their regular posted some "flaunt" pictures, so many netizens have no alternative but, recently, Melonpan and foreign social networks has launched its new photos.

As a local player, Melonpan has his own private plane, ready to jump to see more pictures, of course, is bring your favorite pillow, is there any sense that is endearingly different.

Watch as the popularity of the pioneer role D.Va also well liked by a lot of players, including Melonpan, COS directly with their friends directly in the street, of course painting is not open.

When it comes to animation, which is a feature of Melonpan from their Studio-level collections, no matter what type of games are covered, and photography, in their own Melonpan has its own animation studio, pillow is a mountain pile.

? Private Studio

? Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo Wii game controller

When it comes to collections of games, information from previous Melonpan just like buying physical collections, various types of games is its collection of objects, nobody was Hao, the players thought it was slightly unclear entered the animation shop.

See here, as ordinary Otaku who still can't call themselves Otaku.

“世界第一宅男”卧室新照:以为进入动漫游戏专卖店 - 二次元,宅男 - IT资讯









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