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published in(发表于) 2016/8/28 10:30:54 Edit(编辑)
Freedom of expression non-shield: Twitter new cyber Jet son

Freedom of expression non-shield: Twitter new cyber Jet son(言论自由非挡箭牌:Twitter推新方法打击网络喷子,)



Freedom of expression non-shield: Twitter push spray-new methods to combat network Twitter, freedom, spray-IT information

Victims of cyber-bullying is not just an ordinary user, there are social platforms, because violence can lead to loss of social network platforms suffered huge losses. Twitter has been faced with this problem, and the company began actively redress as early as a few years ago.

Although Facebook and companies like Google are starting to try and combined with artificial intelligence, what hate speech, but Twitter does not have an associated action, but through the artificial management of outsourcing companies.

But Twitter has recently come up with a decentralised solution, that is, allows the user to set the mask keyword to prevent hate speech. According to a report, Twitter will allow its users to automatically block Twitter recently commented in the hate speech. According to the report, Twitter in the past year have been developing this new feature, which allows users to proactively shield to those who do not wish to see the contents of, allow them to avoid seeing these offensive tweets or spray with the network interaction. Allow users to participate in screening in this way will greatly increase the efficiency of Twitter against hate speech.

2015 Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said in an internal Forum, the company lost many users because of its social networking platform, there are too many "Web spray" (troll).

Costolo said on his Twitter in dealing with Internet hate speech should be responsible for the poor performance of, because this problem has led Twitter lose much of their core users. "We deal with hate speech and the spray is very bad, for years is true," he said.

In the beginning of the creation, Twitter has promised not to review user content. But in the cyber-bullying users--especially those with great influence after the exodus of celebrity Twitter platform, the company began a clean up information on hate speech and harassment.

In March 2015, Twitter announced that shielded revenge porn; in April, the company announced the start of shielding incitement to terrorism, or to race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age or disability by attacking other people's comments.

Although this is a series of masks for all hate speech, but Twitter said they blocked was not "speech", but "hate". Offensive content is still allowed to be published, but if you hate speech point to a particular user constitutes a "hatred".

By contrast, Facebook and Instagram has more active users, but the two companies are not so easily want to clearly hate speech. As compared to the Twitter, Facebook has a strict community standards, but Twitter tend to freedom.

Before Twitter General Counsel Alexander Macgillivray said "Twitter is wings of freedom. "And its former chief public relations officer Vivian Schiller said the so-called" wings of freedom "is not just a slogan, but also deeply embedded in the DNA of the company.

Advocating freedom of expression caused by the networks of violence not only on the Twitter platform. Last week also has millions of fans of Justin Bieber fans constantly in Instagram attacked his new girlfriend and deleted my Instagram account.

In addition to technology companies, government agencies and civil society organizations on preventing cyber-bullying also began to make a difference.

In December 2015, Germany Government asked Facebook, Google and the major social platforms such as Twitter is deleted within 24 hours of hate speech that appears on its Web site, against Germany after the refugee crisis a growing network of racist tendencies.

In this measure, the user and anti-racist organizations can easily find hate speech submitted to the audit team of the three companies, and allow it to remove hate speech after the audit.

"When freedom comes to criminal intent, sedition, incitement to making threats of physical attack, it is beyond the limits of free speech, this content should be removed from the network. We agreed to create a rule, you should delete these comments within 24 hours. "Germany Heiko Maas, said the Minister of Justice.

In January, Facebook promises to "online initiative for civic courage" Organization (Online Civil Courage Initiative, referred to as OCCI) provided funding of € 1 million. And let the Organization help on Facebook against European network of hate speech and extremist content.

言论自由非挡箭牌:Twitter推新方法打击网络喷子 - Twitter,言论自由,喷子 - IT资讯

网络暴力的受害者不仅仅是普通用户,还有社交平台,因为网络暴力导致的用户流失会让社交平台蒙受巨大损失。Twitter 一直以来都面临着这个问题,而这家公司早在几年前就开始了积极地补救。

虽然 FacebookGoogle等公司都开始尝试结合人工智能等技术清楚仇恨言论,但Twitter目前还没有相关的动作,而是通过外包公司人工管理。


2015年Twitter首席执行官Dick Costolo在一场内部论坛中表示,该公司失去众多用户的原因是其社交平台上存在太多“网络喷子”(troll)。






Twitter前法律总顾问Alexander Macgillivray曾说“Twitter是言论自由之翼。”而其前公关总监Vivian Schiller则说所谓“言论自由之翼”不仅仅是一句口号,也深深地嵌入了该公司的DNA中。





“当言论涉及到犯罪意图的表述、煽动叛乱、煽动实施威胁人身的攻击时,这超出了言论自由的界限,这样的内容应该从网络上删除。我们同意制定一项规则,应该在24小时内删除这些言论。”德国司法部长Heiko Maas表示。

今年1月,Facebook承诺为“线上公民勇气倡议”组织(Online Civil Courage Initiative,简称OCCI)提供100万欧元的资助。并让该组织帮助Facebook打击欧洲网络上存在的仇恨言论和极端内容。

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