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published in(发表于) 2016/8/28 10:30:44 Edit(编辑)
China’s first big civil-military collaborative innovation platform integration was established in the area of information security,

China’s first big civil-military collaborative innovation platform integration was established in the area of information security,(中国首个北斗信息安全领域军民融合协同创新平台成立,)



China's first big civil-military integration platform for collaborative innovation in the field of information security – Beidou, compass satellite-IT information

On August 28, on Friday, China's first big civil-military integration platform for collaborative innovation in the field of information security--in Changsha Changsha Institute of industrial safety technology of Beidou--was formally established. It is reported that the Institute will focus on the construction of talented people, technology research, the big test base, such as five basic platform, Changsha and China's technological progress and Beidou satellite navigation system.

Meanwhile, Changsha city people's Government released at the opening ceremony of the Changsha city to speed up BD industry a three-year action plan (2016-2018), after the establishment of the Institute, will strive for after 3-5 construction, based in Changsha, Foundation services compass, China, into the world of the national collaborative innovation platform.

According to introduced, the Institute by Changsha City Science and Technology Council, and Changsha high district CMC and Changsha Beidou industry security technology Institute formed units common construction, intends through docking Government, and experts, and research and capital four resources, close around Beidou information security field related technology research and results application, build set high-end talent gathered, and professional talent training, and civil-military fusion development, and technology collaborative innovation, and resources open shared and innovation results industry hatch is equal to one of technology collaborative innovation platform.

The future, the Institute will focus on the construction of talented people, technology research, financing hatch, open services, comprehensive testing ground for five basic platform of the Big Dipper.

中国首个北斗信息安全领域军民融合协同创新平台成立 - 北斗导航,北斗卫星 - IT资讯





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