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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:53:03 Edit(编辑)
Female college students of Shandong province arrested another suspect Telecom fraud case, Xu Yuyu family: hope not to get more children into

Female college students of Shandong province arrested another suspect Telecom fraud case, Xu Yuyu family: hope not to get more children into(山东女大学生电信诈骗案另一嫌犯落网,徐玉玉家人:希望不要再让更多孩子受骗,)



Female college students of Shandong province arrested another suspect Telecom fraud case, Xu Yuyu family: want to stop more children being cheated-Xu Yuyu, Telecom fraud, financial aid-IT information

IT news August 26 evening news, has been admitted to the University's 18 year old girl Xu Yuyu in linyi, Shandong received a new fraud call, crook family patchwork 9900 Yuan for tuition and beat, on the way to the police station with his family, Xu Yuyu cardiac arrest and eventually rescue invalid death.

After the incident, local police set up a task force and today (26th) announced this afternoon that successfully cracked the case, main suspect someone, Cheng Huang was caught 2 people such as justice, remaining under hot pursuit of suspects. China's Ministry of public security, then the 3 suspects at large issued a class a warrant. Just tonight, Fujian police said they have arrested Jody Xiong, one of three suspects at large (male, born in October 1997, Fengdu County, Chongqing City). Review is currently in progress.

Xu Yuyu's parents have learned that telecommunications fraud suspect caught news of Yuyu father, didn't expect to get here so fast detection: "we have worked very hard, no matter what, children are not coming back, but caught the crooks can make more kids no longer deceived. ”

This tragedy has flared up once again the whole society and attention from the netizens for Telecom fraud problems, behind the incident revealed the problems worthy of a lot of people thought and reflection. Why Telecom fraud problems often attack? What part of the problem? Privacy News will be revealed? Who was responsible for such a tragedy? How can we prevent this Telecom fraud? Wishes to have the case after the bottom of society as a whole for Telecom fraud prevention can have a real boost, don't let such a tragedy repeated again and again in our lives.

山东女大学生电信诈骗案另一嫌犯落网,徐玉玉家人:希望不要再让更多孩子受骗 - 徐玉玉,电信诈骗,助学金 - IT资讯





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