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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:52:59 Edit(编辑)
Couples in love four years in Shenzhen, wedding day only known relatives,

Couples in love four years in Shenzhen, wedding day only known relatives,(深圳情侣谈恋爱四年,结婚当天才知是亲戚,)



Couples in love four years in Shenzhen, wedding day, just knowing the relative-intimacy-IT information

Love talked about four or five years, walked into the aisle the day learned that the two men are distant relatives. If this happens to you, and what do you think? Surprise? Surprise? Still scared? 15th, hit the city of little said: "any type of ' shock ', with mixed feelings. ”

In 2008, after graduating from University, to work in Shenzhen, two years later knew peach people Kobayashi. Two times meet, and soon become lovers. The end of 2010 to 2015, the two people who fall in love for four or five years, after a romantic courtship ritual, Xiao Fu and Lin selected the date of their wedding.

The day of the wedding, friends and relatives gather together on both sides. When Kobayashi's uncle found the little Uncle speech accent and he was like, just ask Uncle where. Uncle said "Lao Jia Huang Po, follows ancestor moved to Xianning decades ago. "My uncle said:" he is native of huangpi, and later moved to Peach. "After a deep conversation found that two people are the same, the same people, but also is a distant relative.

Distant relatives? This information so that everyone was stunned. "Could it be next of kin get married? "Pro and Pro-good is good, but in case it is relative, it is absolutely out.

End of the wedding, relatives gather to meet both sides, figure out whether the man is five suits of their relatives. To be a false alarm, Kobayashi's grandfather and grandmother is a cousin to Xiao Fu, Lin and Xiao Fu generation, out of the five suits.

So, families on both sides heaved a sigh of relief. Now, fuchang joked: "my child is born, you can call me old father in law, also called him uncle. ”

Reporter reflections: such a fate, have for years to come. Only Lim Xiao Fu is truly my soul mate, let them kiss on the marriage of China and the United States full of happiness.

深圳情侣谈恋爱四年,结婚当天才知是亲戚 - 情侣 - IT资讯








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