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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:52:51 Edit(编辑)
China College and “new group“? Watch out seniors, sister hang you did not discuss

China College and “new group“? Watch out seniors, sister hang you did not discuss(中国大学开学加“新生群”?小心学长、学姐坑你没商量)



China College and "new group"? Watch out seniors, sister hang you did not discuss-college students, freshmen Group-IT information

According to voice of the news reports of the evening rush hour, within the last few days, around the University started the school, new students curious about college life and imagination, a lot of people want "new group" know their school and college life. But some "new group" was exploited by people with ulterior motives, under cover of a new Advisory on marketing and even fraud. Recently, the media have reported about this. There are also common for new phone, fraud by means of mediation, also requires caution.

Small was admitted to the Central University for nationalities, she first had the idea to join the new group about their school. Small said, knew he was admitted, first thing to do is stick school on, them with the group. In the Renaissance group may know a lot of older sister, through their better understanding of the things that he may be a strange thing to produce a sense of familiarity. They entered the school will help.

As well as small, many freshmen will do. But media found, many number near 2000 people of big group, are is to "school + new total Group" named, established time are in this year July before and after, released almost completely same of Group announcement: "xxx new total Group welcomes you of joined, everyone more Exchange communication, are is from different College of, this is a good of platform, hope on you has help. "And," freshman total Group "often" shared "a group leader. Such as "total new group of China Agricultural University", "total new group of Beijing Normal University", "Beijing University freshmen group" group portrait of identical, corresponding to the QQ number is the same. In addition to the advertisements crowding the screen, do not answer any consultation. Has students said, was wants to through seniors learn sister understand College and professional of situation, but added has new group zhihou, various people in inside sent sold bed curtain, and phone card, and quilt, and router, fundamental not himself need of information, "I also @ group main let he cleanup, he has never not back I, I think added this group no meaning, on back group has. ”

China University of Geosciences posted it someone reported, "2016 (Beijing) new group" administrator to sell new calling cards, online purchases can save 20 Yuan from new students, Office phone number in this group have a red envelope. Sophomore students also reflect some merchandising problems older sister in the group. Students say that dorm sell router is a sister in the Renaissance of the group bought it, to tell you the truth, this router is not working, it came out that, sister was raising the price of a 1 time.

Chaoyang branch of Beijing Institute of education research and curriculum Director Liu Jiling told reporters, after the new school, will receive training in fraud safety knowledge. "Under normal circumstances, after new reports, class teachers will build a class group, about school or check something, some requirements, it is recommended that when new groups after it is best to see their counselor, micro-letter and face to face, establishing instead of just in some so-called ' total Group of freshmen. ”

I went to College, many students want to change SIM card, Liu suggested that buy calling card from the informal channels, may receive similar funding new student tuition fees, living expenses, tuition fee returned phone, to defraud a fledgling bank card number and password, students watch, one is to buy a phone card to formal channels, also received information to verify.

For University new, also some common of fraud means, Liu teacher further tips, for new also will some other trick, like loaded fellow, and sets near, in school door enthusiasm to acts as a senior or counselor teacher reception, also has posing as intermediary, on life compared difficult of students introduced work, and plenty of to hostel, took with compared hectic of when marketing fake of commodity, on these new are to has prevention consciousness, strangers don't easily believes, has needs, put information collection full has again action.

中国大学开学加“新生群”?小心学长、学姐坑你没商量 - 大学生,新生群 - IT资讯








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