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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:52:43 Edit(编辑)
Anti-fraud expert: no personal information leaks are rare,

Anti-fraud expert: no personal information leaks are rare,(反诈骗专家:个人信息没有被泄露很罕见,)



Anti-fraud expert: personal information is not leaked-Telecom fraud is rare, ATM withdrawals-IT information

A female college student was tricked tuition while quashing the sad news had recently been raised about the topic of fraud concerns. Reporters interviewed 360 Chief against fraud yesterday Dr Pei Zhiyong, an expert understands that any strangers who asked to transfer operation of ATM, and some are scams. Before the current fraud trends from "Blind fool" developed into today's "precision fraud."

After the Internet fraud

Dr Pei Zhiyong said the new trends of fraud now has two main characteristics, the ex-crooks are "Blind fool" is what winning massive sends text messages, could fool a few is few, blind luck. Things are different now, cheats through illegal access to personal information on individual "tailor-made" for accurate fraud, this increasingly difficult to trick their see through, because the crooks know so much personal information is true and accurate. Secondly, after the youth group has become a major victim of cyber fraud, more than half of these young people. And about half of the victims were transferred to cheat on one's own. Main cheated reason is not "cheap" or "too stupid", but completely unaware of the presence of such deception, no protection of their consciousness and were easily fooled by crooks.

Strangers ask ATM transfers not

So, give you tips from Dr Pei Zhiyong "fool-proof": first, we must fully realize that currently prevailing in this type of deception that, the prerequisite of protecting ourselves, to assume their personal information has been compromised. "Frankly speaking, personal information is not leaked, but now is very rare. "Then call as long as it's a stranger, no matter how much he can tell you specific information, he said he was working, or banking school, he knows your parents ' names, home address, school and so on, the best are all decisive hung up the phone and dial official telephone confirmation. Then there is the person asking you to ATM transfer operations, but also you must be completed in a certain time period, it must be fraud.

Low cost virtual number can be easily targeted

1705, 1707, 1708, college students from the community channel bought these numbers, have been told is the mobile number, or Unicom, why are all these numbers into virtual operators? This dates back to three years ago.

In 2013, the Ministry released the pilot programme of resale of mobile communications business, started a pilot mobile resale business, was allowed to enter the enterprise is called "virtual operator". Virtual network operator does not establish communication network, but from China Mobile, China Unicom, Telecom, the three basic operators rent access to communications networks, the equivalent of "wholesale" from traditional operators at once "wholesale" Internet traffic, the number of voice minutes, text messages, and then designed different tariff package sales to mobile phone users.

In order to attract users, robbing the market, virtual network operator launched a large number of low tariff package, such as voice calls as low as 0.088 Yuan per minute, and initial authentication without any requirements. This low fees, no identification features, attracting a large number of cell phones as a communication tool for advertisers and fraudsters. Some experts pointed out that, more than 10 million users of virtual operators, two-thirds 170 is used to send spam messages.

Counterfeit real ID cards is very common

In the fraud case in Shandong, Beijing further communication to the media, said, this card is already a real-name authentication, authenticated identity fraudsters-owned, there is no response. And in reality, the fake real name opening acts are common. On August 4, the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department held a "network 2nd" Conference, also uncovered "use of illegal software to undermine real-name registration" cases, and seized more than 100,000 black card, in connection with the channels all over the country in 28 provinces.

Reporters, according the Ministry issued in April this year on strengthening management, promoting the healthy development of mobile telecommunication resale service notice requiring resale business marketing channel management of network by entities, must pass through the second generation ID card identification device verification, automatic input user information, banned artificial entry ID information.

Meanwhile, basic telecommunications enterprises should assume primary responsibility for network operations, and resale companies signed authorization agreement, resale numbers into their own combat SMS spam, harassing phone calls and communications fraud control system.

For violations of the resale business, basic telecommunications business shall be in accordance with the requirements of telecommunications regulators suspended new number resources are allocated, moratorium on expanding the scope of cooperation.

However, as of now, both virtual operators and the three basic operators, Telecom fraud of Shandong college students, with no response.

反诈骗专家:个人信息没有被泄露很罕见 - 电信诈骗,ATM取款 - IT资讯
















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