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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:52:41 Edit(编辑)
Amazon work system reform: work 30 hours per week salary, 25%

Amazon work system reform: work 30 hours per week salary, 25%(亚马逊工作制度改革:每周工作30小时薪水减25%,)



Amazon work system reform: work 30 hours per week salary reduction 25%-Amazon, Amazon-IT information

IT information news on August 27, according to the Washington Post, United States number one e-commerce Amazon employees initiated the project of working 30 hours a week, normally the Amazon work for 40 hours a week, and take a 30-hour work colleagues pay will be reduced by 25%.

Amazon said that at present only dozens of employees have 30 hours of business, post article pointed out that Amazon has part-time employees and full-time employees the same benefits, but this is the first time the company provide new options for special teams, including managers. Current 30 hour work involving computer systems only a few teams in the test run, Amazon officials say employees background diversity, traditional 40 hour full-time work does not necessarily apply to all persons, 30 hours is a good attempt.

亚马逊工作制度改革:每周工作30小时薪水减25% - 亚马逊,Amazon - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月27日消息,据华盛顿邮报报道,美国头号电商亚马逊对部分员工启动了每周工作时间30小时的项目,正常情况下亚马逊为每周40小时工作制,而采取30小时工作制的同事薪酬将降低25%。


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