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published in(发表于) 2016/8/25 16:26:46 Edit(编辑)
Death girls being cheated out of school fees, cheater accounts belonging to the locked,

Death girls being cheated out of school fees, cheater accounts belonging to the locked,(女孩被骗学费离世,骗子账号归属地已锁定,)



Death girls being cheated out of school fees, cheater accounts belonging to died locked-girl was cheated out of school fees, Telecom fraud-IT information

On August 25, on August 24, the reporter learned from the Luo Zhuang, Public Security Bureau, Public Security Bureau and Public Security Bureau of linyi city, Shandong province, led the "Xu Yuyu" highly personal scheduling and task force has been set up.

At present, the attribution of fraud charge for bank account has been locked, according to clues around the team has gone to, as soon as possible to solve the case.

Xu Yuyu sister: "I know sister go very wrong, very unwilling, but I like to think that her departure was no pain"

The afternoon of August 24, in yimeng evening news once again came to the home of Xu Yuyu, CCTV media are interviewing sister of Xu Yuyu Xu, Xu Yuyu's mother, eyes red, silently sitting next to Xu.

According to the reporter, Xu Xu Yuyu 8 years older, now Singapore workers, that sister, worried, rushed back in.

Xu told reporters that when it was first received a call from home, family members tell something happened in her sister, hope she comes back a visit, Xu repeatedly pressed, families told her sister now unconscious. "To tell you the truth, when he heard that his sister is in a coma, when my heart was relieved, I firmly believe that through the power of my waking her. "Xu said she had never dreamed that, come back will be a result.

In an interview, Xu told reporters, although she met sister again, but did not live to see his sister again wake up, "I know sister go very wrong, very unwilling, but I like to think that her departure was not the pain. ”

Although Xu sister 8, but two sisters feelings have been very good. "My sister is a very sensible children, she also knows that home support two college students is not easy, and heavy is the burden on her shoulders. "Xu told reporter, in she abroad working of days in, sisters II people often through network exchange, she can feel to, high of tuition to sister with to has huge of psychological pressure, also can experience to sister inside how treasure Shang University of opportunities, can now, just because a fraud phone, this all of all are became has bubble, it away has sister all of hope, also away has sister young of life.

For cheats, Xu hoped that bringing him to justice, but she also says that, even found the culprits of killing sister and what, my sister can come alive again, and then called her sweetly with a "sister"?

"The Chinese public security authorities just do your best, and I didn't want us to, to give them too much pressure of public opinion, I believe the sister knew the nether, can sympathize. "The interview Finally, Xu said she now needs to do is stay with their parents, gave them comfort," I can comfort myself, let me be strong, I have a comforting way, I believe I can. ”

Xu Yuyu father: declining contributions, regret taking my daughter to the alarm

Daughter Xu Yuyu's unfortunate death, father Xu Lianbin into deep remorse in the interview, Xu Lianbin repeatedly burst into tears, "if I don't take my daughter to call the police, she had cried all night, maybe my daughter will be fine. ”

The night of the incident, Xu Yuyu cried to her father to take her to the police, Xu Lianbin gave his daughter, riding a tricycle to bring my daughter went to the police station, resulting in the way back, Xu Yuyu suddenly blackout, after which you never wake up. Xu Lianbin, that he made the wrong decision, leading to a daughter go, "I promised her how? If I can hold her daughter slowly calm down, maybe she will not leave us. ”

After the event, many good people give money to Xu Yuyu, buried Xu Yuyu that afternoon, the village has good people come and put the money away. Xu Lianbin said these days there are kind people call for their contributions in the field, he declined. Xu Lianbin said things to this point, money has become less important, no amount of money will not be exchanged back to his daughter's life, their greatest wish is that the police solve as soon as possible, catch a liar, don't let them continue to harm them.

女孩被骗学费离世,骗子账号归属地已锁定 - 女孩被骗学费离世,电信诈骗 - IT资讯















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