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published in(发表于) 2016/8/25 16:22:17 Edit(编辑)
Guangxi hechi original Secretary for land and bribery 5.18 million, spent millions keeping mistresses

Guangxi hechi original Secretary for land and bribery 5.18 million, spent millions keeping mistresses(广西河池国土局原局长受贿518万,花百万养情妇)



Guangxi hechi land and former Director General of Bureau of 5.18 million bribery spent millions keeping mistresses abuse | right | right | mistress _ news

Original title: lost in the power

Wei Jiwu: former Director General of Bureau of land and resources, hechi city, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Has taught in hechi district, hechi College and vocational college of national industry, served as section chief, section chief of the Senate, Senate Director positions.

Wei Jiwu signed the interrogation

Wei Jiwu, aged 54, is an unforgettable black day April 28, 2016. On this day, as he of the hechi city, former Director General of Bureau of land and resources, by the Intermediate Court of first instance, Wuzhou city, sentenced on charges of abusing two years and sentenced to 12 years on charges of taking bribes, joinder of decisions the Executive sentenced to 13 years and fined 800,000 yuan. Judgment finds that Wei Jiwu abuse leads to more than more than 2.15 million yuan of losses of State property, and their authorities by accepting bribes of 5.18 million Yuan.

After the judgment of first instance, Wei Jiwu did not appeal.

  Farm family career success

Was born in 1962 in a farmer Wei Jiwu, liujiang, after high school was admitted to Guilin Institute of metallurgy, reading of mineral prospecting and exploration professionals. First job after graduation was in heshan, Guangxi Bureau of work, and soon was appointed head of the technology group. Soon, it was transferred to national industry of hechi region of Guangxi hechi College and vocational school, served as section chief, section chief of the Senate, Senate Director positions. This experience spans 16 years.

If neither zu Wei Jiwu no one pulse from the shade of a farm family grow up to be a tertiary institutions competent teaching leadership, called the "turn", then, in 2002 he passed open audition and selection, became Deputy Secretary for land and resources in hechi City experience, you almost can be regarded as "life story".

At that time, 's Nandan County, hechi city, shocked the whole country "7·17" mine soon. In the investigation which involved graft and corruption and other charges in a series of cases, including former Deputy Secretary of the Bureau of land and resources, hechi city, a number of leading cadres by party disciplines involved, disposition, be held criminally liable. To fill staff vacancies, in hechi city, in accordance with the relevant provisions, take part in leadership positions open electoral competition to society. When he was Director of hechi College Dean's Office Wei Jiwu, hechi city, is against such a background onto the seat of the Deputy Director of the Bureau of land and resources.

From school teacher to head of government functions, Wei Jiwu, with expertise in metallurgy, as well as teaching experience soon turned on the work situation, their abilities in all aspects of affirmation. In June 2006, Wei Jiwu and get promoted, chaired by the Deputy Secretary, hechi city, became party Secretary and Secretary of the Bureau of land and resources.

 Abuse of State caused by loss of more than 2 million

May be smooth and quick to career advancement is not ready, smug Wei Jiwu started to get carried away, on the right to performance in the absence of self-discipline with willful, near poking out of the "trouble".

In early 2007, in hechi city mining limited liability companies apply to the hechi City Bureau of land and resources, companies involved in restructuring State-owned enterprises in State-owned allocated land, assigned to the restructuring of the company, requiring care, shall be reduced in part of the land grant. Bureau of land and resources, hechi city, think of the application does not comply with provisions of the relevant documents. Wei Jiwu disregard relevant provisions, despite opposition from other members of the leadership team, unauthorized decision by assessment of the total premium 80% to determine the total mining limited liability company agreement to sell land in hechi city land price, and then press the 20% accounted for 40% of the total premium less land. That led to direct economic losses to the country reached more than 2.159 million Yuan. But this time, from the Wei Jiwu was promoted to Secretary for the Ministry of land and resources only for six months, top leaders of the "spot" has not yet hot.

After the arrest of Wei Jiwu, never able to come up with reasonable reasons and according to prosecutors to explain their arbitrary motive. This behavior, finally he triggered an abuse charge.

Wei Jiwu unaware not only absurd in the abuses, but breed more and more "power crazy" complex. In 2011, coincides with the Guangxi County-level leading group around a general, Wei Jiwu initiation to subordinate to the idea of a woman as a county in hechi city. "Dreams into reality", Wei Jiwu out 220,000 yuan in cash, handed over to a man claiming to be a "relationship" boss helped him to run a Government officer. Needless to say, this myth is not the end of the story, that money is "meat bun dog", there is no return.

 Collected more than 5 million bribes

Abuse of power and still is a "twin". From 2009 onwards, borrow, hechi city, land and resources Bureau of the autonomous region approved multiple opportunities for land reclamation projects, Wei Jiwu land improvement project as up for grabs "commodity" arrangement to some company bosses contracting in return for kickbacks and Commission.

In 2009, Wei Jiwu met at a dinner party a self-proclaimed electronics and real estate businesses Zhu. Zhu seemed particularly loyal, friend, known after Wei Jiwu, often from Fengshan County, hechi city, rushed to the Wei Jiwu eating, drinking tea. Mix cooked, and a claim to participate in land management projects, also promised that if projects do, with Xie. In this regard, Wei Jiwu flipped.

Soon, the contract jinchengjiang zone hechi city of more than 12 million Yuan ling Xiang Cun small reservoirs reinforcement of land improvement project and the other 3 land contract price of 18.5 million Yuan renovation project has been officially approved, Wei Jiwu helped Zhu to "affiliated" means winning range Rover project, Zhu made a fortune. Zhu has sent Wei Jiwu 1.7 million "Commission".

In January 2012, Wei Jiwu Nandan County, hechi to subordinates, yizhou and research, both with the local Bureau of land and resources, "greeting", lied about Zhu was led by a relative of the autonomous region, called yizhou and Nandan, 5 land management projects to Zhu. Boss specifically told, Nandan, yizhou, and Secretary for land and resources between the two places which dare to neglect, Zhu also has won both the contract price up to more than 36 million yuan in land reclamation projects. Strange ink, he was a main electrical appliance of individual traders, because taking General Secretary Wei, has turned to do land management project in the big boss, and has done a lot of work. A beaming Zhu 2012 before the Mid-Autumn Festival, to 200,000 yuan Wei Jiwu wouldn't.

In fact, feel smart Wei Jiwu early land reclamation project to a person at risk. Therefore, also in associate with Zhu during, he began to ponder how to expand "rent" space, but also weakened problems risk solutions. He thought of himself as a teacher of the student Qin and Tang. After Wei on contact with the two men, straight, ask them if they have no interest in undertaking a number of land management projects. Tanmou and Tang did not do the project, now has Wei brought up the Secretary take the initiative to his fortune, which had not promised the truth. Thus, three such agreed on related issues.

From 2010 to 2013, Wei Jiwu used his position to help Qin won 7 land remediation projects, the total contract price amounted to 83.6 million Yuan. Helped Tang received 11 land reclamation projects, the total contract price was tens of millions of Yuan. Afterwards, Qin and Tang separately back to "Mentor" Wei Jiwu thanks to total 1.9 million Yuan.

In addition to the aid of land reclamation project bidding and profit, Wei Jiwu and the opportunity to use approval of mining permits, land use permits the money. From 2006 to 2012, through his good offices and instructed his subordinates to institutions the opportunity to modify the rules to help j the company obtained a mining c of the huanjiang County, hechi city, and 4 times to ask for or accept j company 1 million Yuan to help Guangxi x group and j company joint bids to obtain certification for using a piece of land, and twice received the Commission from the other 130,000 yuan.

Procuratorial investigation finds 5.18 million yuan of bribes, Wei Jiwu is such a convergence plot.

  A mistress into millions

Wei Jiwu abuses not only enrich themselves on the road go very far, and like a lot like corrupt officials like philander, and keeping a mistress.

Previously mentioned since getting the Chu Wei Jiwu after care, always thinking how to bang in prison a "tree". Once he heard Wei complained only a daughter, gave birth to a son after meaning, a woman who knew Liu Wei Jiwu introduced acquaintances. Liu lived in Nanning, is young, pretty, friendly, informed Zhu a boyfriend is introduced himself a government official, was rich, want to give birth to a son, she thought briefly agreed.

Since then, Wei, Liu repeatedly meet our deep feelings. When after two development as inseparable lovers, presented to the Wei Jiwu Liu wanted to buy a house in Nanning, to facilitate contacts with their Wei. Wei Jiwu agreed, after all, own bribery so much money, the purchase is not a problem.

In 2011, give Liu Wei Jiwu 1.5 million yuan in cash, its purchase is located in a residential district, Nanning city, a commercial House and later invested 120,000 yuan to buy a parking space, another took out more than 300,000 yuan to housing decoration, more than 200,000 yuan for the purchase of furniture, household appliances and other items. The second half of 2011, once again, Wei Jiwu Liu with 150,000 yuan to buy a car. At this point, one supporting a familial emotion "home away from home" so provisioned properly.

Wei Jiwu, hechi city, regularly from hundreds of kilometers away to Nanning and a private, even huge sums of bribe money over and over again to get the "love nest" in safe storage. Liu suggested that the money in the safety deposit box is not safe, it is better to let her put it in the bank insurance. Wei Jiwu agreed. Since then, Liu Wei Jiwu multiple times to his money in the Bank. To at the time of Liu in the Bank's funds amounting to more than 1 million Yuan.

It is important to note, Wei Jiwu Liu in almost 4 years, Liu without Wei Jiwu gave birth to yinanbannv, and did not raise any doubts. On February 10, 2015, Wei Jiwu was detained. This day only 9 days from the Spring Festival family reunion, Wei, Liu's relationship ended. Wei Jiwu gave Liu custody of the bribe money, and use the money to buy houses and cars, while also being confiscated or processing.

From a long degenerated into prisoner, Wei Jiwu formed will enjoy life in prison

Responsible editor: Zhang Xiaoya

Article keywords:
Power abuses his mistress

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Justice Network-procuratorial daily
广西河池国土局原局长受贿518万 花百万养情妇|权力|滥权|情妇_新闻资讯




  对于54岁的韦继武来说,2016 年4月28日是一个刻骨铭心的黑色日子。这一天,作为河池市国土资源局原局长的他,被梧州市中级法院一审以滥用职权罪判处有期徒刑二年、以受贿罪判处有期徒刑十二年,数罪并罚决定执行有期徒刑十三年,并处罚金人民币80万元。判决书认定,韦继武滥用职权导致215万余元的国家财产损失,同时利用职权收受贿赂518万元。






























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