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published in(发表于) 2016/8/24 11:39:30 Edit(编辑)
Single P2P platforms can only borrow $ 200,000 yuan per person, the industry: there are still unable to confirm,

Single P2P platforms can only borrow $ 200,000 yuan per person, the industry: there are still unable to confirm,(单一P2P平台每人只能借款20万元,业内人士:尚无法证实,)



Single P2P platforms can only borrow $ 200,000 yuan per person, the industry: there are still unable to confirm-P2P, net loans-IT information

Over the weekend, a P2P credit limit message triggered heated discussion in the industry. Market sources said, the net borrowing information agency of the interim measures for the management of operational activities (hereinafter referred to as the interim measures) to be released which require lending should be mainly small in a single online lending platform, most personal loans of 200,000 yuan , most corporate loan of 1 million Yuan.

Industry sources say, Cap rumors could not be confirmed, but the likelihood is higher. Once the restrictions in accordance with the scale, most of the platform will be affected .

Industry or Cap

Market sources said, to be released in the interim measures, and the draft is different, net lending to the provisions of the interim measures should be mainly small, and borrowers ' borrowing limits are clearly defined: in a single online lending platform, most personal loan of 200,000 yuan, most corporate loan of 1 million Yuan. Different online lending platform, most personal loan of 1 million Yuan, while enterprise does not exceed 5 million Yuan.

Number of platforms in charge, told reporters, the rumor has not been confirmed, but the possibility exists, "essentially are sure (limits) for this article. "Platform for a Shenzhen official said.

Landmark financial CEO Liu Hsia wind is considered, in the absence of very accurate source, credibility is not very high. Draft for comment before the introduction, there are a variety of "exclusive information", later found that many did not deliver.

Last December, the China Banking Regulatory Commission in collaboration with the Ministry, Ministry of public security and information Office and other departments to ensure the drafting of the national Internet network credit information agency interim measures for the management of operational activities (draft for soliciting opinions) also pointed out that net lending should be small.

If true the vast majority of platforms or shock

At present, the industry remains relatively high, insiders believe that provisions on quota ceiling in the interim measures once introduced, will have an impact on most platforms.

"The highest personal borrowing 200,000 yuan from a single platform, enterprises of up to 1 million Yuan, the operation is not strong, is completely in line with the current situation of P2P development . From the draft of the interim measures to the last floor, there is a transition period, will give the platform modification time. "Liu Hsia wind believes that even if such provisions in the interim measures, will not be much impact on the platform.

Financial inclusion is considered, inclusive financial assets-side key is a small dispersed, thus a provision that would allow the Internet further financial return to the inclusive nature of financial, conform to the trend of inclusive financial, to effectively reduce risk, promote the healthy development of the industry as a whole. "At present, the part marked as the primary platform in the industry will face a lot of pressure, but the industry as a whole, this is a good thing. ”

"The final positioning of such net credit for inclusive finance, micro-dispersed. In fact, from the experience in the West, P2P microfinance is positioning. Obviously, credit of automobile consumption loan business network platform will be more in line with the rule requirements. "One Bao credit CEO said Luo Haojie.

单一P2P平台每人只能借款20万元,业内人士:尚无法证实 - P2P,网贷 - IT资讯













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