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published in(发表于) 2016/8/24 11:39:21 Edit(编辑)
Russia Paralympic Committee appeal was dismissed, Russia will miss Brazil Paralympic Games,

Russia Paralympic Committee appeal was dismissed, Russia will miss Brazil Paralympic Games,(俄罗斯残奥委上诉被驳回,俄国将无缘巴西残奥会,)



Russia Paralympic Committee appeal was dismissed, Russia will miss Brazil Paralympic Games-Russia, Paralympic Games-IT information

IT information news due to in zhiqian Russia track and field team appeal was dismissed, so Russia track and field was judge cannot participate in in about games, zhiqian sports people also guess this times Russia may will all cannot participate in in about games, in confirmed list of last moment, according to international sports Arbitration Court (CAS) and International Olympic Committee Executive Committee specifically Committee made of series decided, confirmed at least has 277 name Russia athletes get participate in 31st session summer games of qualification. Because of this Russia is not full participants, at the Rio Olympic Games Russia only got 19 gold medals, medals fourth.

But for now Russia remained in the participation of the Paralympic Games also uncertainty, according to the Russia News reported, the International Court of arbitration for Sport News 23rd said, dismissing Russia Paralympic Committee, Russian athletes were banned from participation in Paralympic Games in Rio's appeal. This means that Russia will not be able to participate in the 2016 Paralympic Games.

The World Anti-Doping Agency announced on July 18 Canada lawyer Steve McClaren's "independent report", accusing Russia Government manipulated the doping and recommended a total ban on Russia to participate in the Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games.

It is reported that the International Paralympic Committee believes that because Russia Paralympic Committee cannot guarantee the strict implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code and International Paralympic anti-doping provisions, Russia delegation will not be allowed to participate in the 2016 Paralympic Games.

俄罗斯残奥委上诉被驳回,俄国将无缘巴西残奥会 - 俄罗斯,残奥会 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 由于在之前俄罗斯田径队上诉被驳回,因此俄罗斯田径被判定无法参加里约奥运会,之前体育界人士也猜测本次俄罗斯可能会全体无法参加里约奥运会,在确认名单的最后一刻,根据国际体育仲裁法庭(CAS)以及国际奥委会执委会专门委员会做出的一系列决定,确认至少有277名俄罗斯运动员获得参加第31届夏季奥运会的资格。由于本次俄罗斯并非全员参赛,在里约奥运会上俄罗斯仅获得19枚金牌,位列金牌榜第四位。




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