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published in(发表于) 2016/8/24 11:37:58 Edit(编辑)
China auto rental revenues of 2.97 billion in the first half, net income of $ 1.06 billion,

China auto rental revenues of 2.97 billion in the first half, net income of $ 1.06 billion,(神州租车上半年营收29.7亿,净利润10.6亿,)



China auto rental revenues of 2.97 billion in the first half, net profits of 1.06 billion-China auto rental-IT information

On August 23, released today by the China auto rental as of June 30, 2016-half results. Results showed that China auto rental leasing revenue to 2.452 billion yuan in the first half, an increase of 24%. Revenue was 2.969 billion yuan, an increase of 29%; net profit was 1.062 billion yuan, an increase of 161%.

As of June 30, 2016, the total scale of China auto rental fleet 99,727 vehicles, China auto rental operations fleet to 87,585 units, and these data at the end of 2015 were 91,179 and 83,168.

Meanwhile, China announced to 37 million Yuan to buy a new car (a Hong Kong incorporated holding company and wholly-owned subsidiary of China auto rental companies) in the 100% stake in the target company. After the transaction is completed, the target company is no longer wholly-owned subsidiary company of the China auto rental, China will hold 100% shares in target companies.

神州租车上半年营收29.7亿,净利润10.6亿 - 神州租车 - IT资讯




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