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published in(发表于) 2016/8/22 9:47:20 Edit(编辑)
Lyft taxi companies want to sell to Microsoft for $ 9 billion, was rejected by the ruthless,

Lyft taxi companies want to sell to Microsoft for $ 9 billion, was rejected by the ruthless,(打车公司Lyft希望以90亿美元出售给微软,被无情拒绝,)



Lyft taxi companies want to sell to Microsoft for $ 9 billion, was rejected by the relentless-Lyft,Uber, take a taxi-IT software information

IT news in the United States as Lyft general investors have expressed interest in buying the firm, Lyft hired Investment Bank Qatalyst solicit other potential buyers to compete. According to the Recode message, other than Google, Apple, Lyft intends to contact Microsoft.

Lyft is the United States second largest taxi company, second only to the Uber. Lyft after the latest round of financing, the company valued at $ 5.5 billion, Lyft unsolicited bid for $ 9 billion, but Microsoft said it has no interest and refused the offer. Microsoft has partnership and Uber, Cortana, Outlook integration, Uber taxi services, Uber in a round of financing last year, Microsoft is involved, has invested $ 100 million in funds.

While Apple and Google now has its own project, Microsoft does not intend to compete directly with them. Instead, Microsoft is currently developing a cloud computing service, in order to provide services for some car manufacturers.

打车公司Lyft希望以90亿美元出售给微软,被无情拒绝 - Lyft,Uber,打车软件 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 在美国通用作为Lyft投资者表示有兴趣买下该公司之后,Lyft雇佣投资银行Qatalyst征求其他潜在买家竞争。根据Recode消息,除了谷歌苹果之外,Lyft还有意接触微软



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