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published in(发表于) 2016/8/21 9:43:34 Edit(编辑)
Hunan radio and television will be the birth of a number of local tyrants: “mango TV“ and “happy camp“ for a backdoor listing,

Hunan radio and television will be the birth of a number of local tyrants: “mango TV“ and “happy camp“ for a backdoor listing,(湖南广电将诞生一批土豪:“芒果TV”和“快乐大本营”欲借壳上市,)



Hunan radio and television will be the birth of a number of local tyrants: "mango TV" and "happy camp" for a backdoor listing-mango TV, happy camp, Hunan radio and television-IT information

On August 19, happy shopping company limited (stock code: 300413) said in a statement, Hunan radio and television to its package 7 companies into listed companies happy to purchase.

The 7 companies include: mango, Mango Mango TV, entertainment media, entertainment television, mango mutual entertainment, Golden Eagle cartoon, Sky Entertainment advertising. Related channels, video production, games, e-commerce at all levels of several subsidiary companies, is built around the core competitiveness of Hunan radio and television stations to form the complete creative ecosystem of content, layout in Hunan radio and television entertainment, mango TV is the layout of the new media platform "leader."

Since last year, mango TV has completed two rounds of financing in June 2015, completed a round of financing, after the investment valued at 7 billion; on June 23 announced the completion of the b round of financing, nearly 1.5 billion yuan to raise funds, investment and market valuation of 13.5 billion yuan.

Mango TV overall good grades in recent years, and the entire market to battle the new channel has been gradually transformed into the entire ecosystem of competition, inject the happy purchase might become an important attempt to marketization reform of Hunan radio and television.

Inject this time seven of the company's overall, people in the industry to "Unicorn entertainment" said the Hunan radio and television in recent years hit the "crisis", the way to retain key talent. "This injection is a talent an incentive for Hunan satellite TV, broadcasting platform, after all, pay and benefits than new media, if not by means of capital operation, it is difficult to bind talent. ”

"Mango TV" quality assets such as implantation, Hunan radio and TV added an important carrier of media entertainment. Hunan radio and TV to be born and a number of local tyrants.

Successful, it will become the first media and entertainment unit

Happy shopping is the first qualification for national live television shopping channel. At the end of 2005 by the Hunan radio, film and television group and Hunan TV inject billion yuan was established. In March 2006 by the joint-venture company Hunan happy shopping company limited started operations. On January 21, 2015, happy purchases listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as of that date, at 9:50, happy shopping at 44%.

From the "TV department stores, chain" starting position "media in retail, e-commerce", carrying out cross-industry, cross-media, cross-regional development, four years to grow into new home shopping industry leader at home.

Happy shopping in the evening of August 19 released its interim results report: 2016 belonging to the parent company's net profit for the first half of 28.2241 million Yuan, representing a reduction of 35.28%, an operating income of 1.735 billion yuan, representing a increase of 17.06%, basic earnings per share was 0.0704 Yuan, representing a reduction of 37.14%.

As a business "light fare", happy shopping a few days ago "8.18 Olympic" activities, is becoming a horse break into in the eyes of everyone's "dark horse".

Super discounts of goods, via live television channels square dance teaching, also launched a "guess the gold medal winning 55-inch TV" interactive mini games, such as "campaign sign in to win a treadmill" concept of interactive sessions, a variety of poster production, calling on users to Olympic athletes and cheer at the same time, must be involved in the "sport for all".

Happy buy now valued at 9.7 billion, from the injection of assets, has gorgeous happy purchase turned into a media and entertainment unit.

Mango TV coming soon? New media carrier is born

As we know, the valuation of a company depends not only on his financial report at the moment, more importantly he may reach a point of interest in the future.

From 2011 "entertainment limit order" issued by 2013 broadcasting once again restricting import and broadcast of entertainment and all major TV moment of enthusiasm was extinguished in half. So far as the mango TV, which became its best interests increased, many prime-time program to broadcast the mango TV broadcast cannot. Strengthening mango TV terminals to provide the quality of IP broadcast copyright alone, will most likely quickly to direct traffic for the user, in order to achieve eco-enterprises.

According to Eric Q2 data (IVT&IUT) in 2016, mango TV Q2 Arts strong overall performance, compared with the same period last year, audience growth rate reached 90%, audience size of more than 100 million, an increase of nearly twice times. User growth near 60%, when using long rose 155.4%.

According to the statistics in May this year, mango TV variety show permeability of cover in the industry in the number of subscribers reached 36.1%, the industry leading video platform with an average penetration rate of 24.5%. Du seeding strategy implemented since mango TV mango TV Mobile end user size and duration of use is increasing, multiple-screen integration strategy to further expand the breadth of audience, increase user stickiness, fully open PA-screen era.

By virtue of the Super girl, 2 in full acceleration and other popular arts and trump cards such as the happy camp, the hard IP, including the latest on mango TV hit the Super IP--Zhu Xian Qing Yun Zhi, feast of the IP as well as mango TV media market fueled, had become the new media carrier.

Mango TV market should not be underestimated, mango TV after the TV plus TV, millet TV "long overdue", but with a rich quality of Hunan radio and television production and distribution resources to "content-driven, mobile first" strategy, and was liked by many young people.

In this age of precious resources, Board of millet resources, youku, Tencent, aiqi public third party resources such as art. In contrast, mango TV mango across broadcast advantage alone, homemade content operation carried out at the same time, gradually uncover on Hunan satellite TV all TV content and IP resources, in the field of Internet, wireless and other exclusive worldwide development and management (including delegation) rights.

On August 8 this year, mango TV announces the MUI operating system, will carry on, mango TV mango boxes and other hardware products. Applications and markets, smart terminal, television set manufacturers, television sales channels combined into a comprehensive intelligent TV system and hardware industries.

Mango TV senior also revealed that will work with the national appliance makers Skyworth TV brand TV channels together to build, GOME mango, is expected to meet with customers by the end of this year.

From the content industry entered the hardware industry, has to face many difficulties and challenges, mango TV chose this time to "backdoor listing", but also to its capital, personnel and other issues.

On the deal, mango TV Chief also said that mango TV in this round of financing to carry "a multi-screen" entered the field of hardware, OS, perfect layouts on the Internet.

Shareholders "eagerly" to resume trading, shares worth?

The deal, share prices are likely to hit a record high of resumption. Mango TV valuations has reached 13.5 billion, and combined with other injections of 6 companies, hit a media share market is likely to be high. Many investors are looking to resume trading, and said it was "almost unimaginable, that is this year's biggest reorganization unit, and leverage valuable, each unit is worth it!

The Board of Directors and supervisory board personnel changes are routine general elections, and for "mango TV take happy buying shell" if it is true, will compete with company formation, company communication problems with the controlling shareholders on the matter currently happy to buy there is no formally and publicly disclose such matters, was not informed of the specific conditions.

It is learnt that the happy purchases through the issuance of shares and to pay cash to buy company shares and to raise matching funds. Happy shopping also stressed that because the deal has not yet been finalized, purchasing a range of underlying assets may be adjusted.

Asset restructuring of the media industry may make history this year, will directly affect the Department of radio and television "media carrier" was born. And, most important of all, through capital interests binding, similar to the "Hunan radio and television hosts began to move" will minimize the crisis, artists will also have skyrocketed through the capital market valuations. "This time the asset injections, is likely to repeat itself huayi Brothers film of the year listed. "A media analyst on" entertainment unicorns ".

Huayi brothers listed that year, it set gem of the first media unit records, and this time the "happy shopping" asset reorganization, broadcasting sector could become the next "huayi"?

湖南广电将诞生一批土豪:“芒果TV”和“快乐大本营”欲借壳上市 - 芒果TV,快乐大本营,湖南广电 - IT资讯

















根据艾瑞发布的Q2数据(IVT&IUT)统计,2016年芒果TV Q2综艺整体表现强势,与去年同期相比,受众增幅近90%,受众规模超过1亿,增长近2倍。用户规模增长了近60%,使用时长增长了155.4%。















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