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published in(发表于) 2016/8/21 9:41:52 Edit(编辑)
Kunming affray incident, witnesses said the twenty or thirty people have knives

Kunming affray incident, witnesses said the twenty or thirty people have knives(昆明发生聚众斗殴事件,目击者称二三十人都有刀)



Kunming affray event occurred twenty or thirty people have knives, witnesses said Kunming _ | | of affray news
The scene. Urban times, Oscar Cheng for
Disposal warning Kunming police and armed police deployed.

Kunming police and armed police deployed.
Catch alley

Original title: shopping dispute lad invited several people to cause trouble, the police arrested more than 10 people

20th 12:30, who lives in trees in Kunming camp sunny side of the camp (a pseudonym), lunch out, and went to the battalion, 39th in the canteen door, he saw someone with a gun himself. "I have been, heart beating Bang Bang, closer look turned out to be police, breathed a sigh of relief. "This is the tree camp camp happens at noon yesterday" was shot "after the incident, when police raid scene.

  Seven 11:30 in the morning


  Twenty or thirty people have knives

"I hear from a friend that, is the intersection of two female clothing store to buy clothes, and later for 100 bucks fight, customers and shop owners come, was carrying a knife. On both sides have almost dried up. Armed police patrolling near their movement was found. "Yang told reporters, who called on both sides to come up with twenty or thirty, one knife.

"Someone took a gun, and the man looks up to 55 years old. "Sunny says," didn't play up and even half an hour before and after the fight. ”

  Seven 12:30 in the morning

  Static and dynamic

  A lot of people heard the gunshots

"Only heard ' bang ' sound, a man's got a gun, but he too has good fortune, bullets from the legs in the past, people didn't get hurt. 4 strong men with machetes running into the village, police and armed police coming. "One witness said of the situation at that time, the gun time is 12:30.

Lee elder sister of nearby residents heard gunshots, she was carrying cooked rice noodles from the kitchen, the "pop" sound, made her noodle sub out. "A bit like a car tire noise. "Lee elder sister said, she lives on the second floor, although frightened, but thought someone had a flat tire, and did not care.

Households around Uncle told reporters: "shot live in a rental house, I heard that they gang and several upstairs, is arrested by the police. ”

  Seven 13:00 in the morning

  Big Manhunt

  "Armed police reminded me to shut doors and Windows"

After the gun, police and armed police raids in camp.

"We were having dinner, heard someone running on the roof, when the police came, so we shut the doors and Windows, do not go out, said people were on the roof is dangerous. "A woman who lives in the camp, 11th told reporters.

Yang armed police received a similar note: "I see after the mine is armed with a gun, and heard him speak so that we are not to relax, guanmenguan Windows, outside these people (escape) is dangerous. ”

  Carrying knives on the rooftop "fly"

"When the police arrest people, see those people carrying machetes on the roof ' flew ' (runs in between the floor and the floor), too much like a scenes in the film, really ' fly ', carrying a knife, ' fly '. "Standing in the Sun next to a 20-something guy says, who carries a knife to flee, had 3 running on the roof," we are all scared and hiding secretly looking out at the store. ”

Chen villagers living near the rental, in his video, reporters saw 3 young men appear in the rental building, several jump jump back and forth on the roof, like find out way.

"On the roof of the 3 people running back and forth for a while, still holding a knife in his hand and eventually captured by armed police. "Chen said he also saw two armed police snipers on the roof opposite the building.

  Seven 14:00 in the morning


  "There is someone in my house under my bed"

At home eat noodles Lee elder sister, heard a loud noise outside, she opened the window to see my home surrounded by a lot of people in the distance, a man and a woman in the crowd control by the police, both were very young.

"There is one person in my family, hiding under the bed. "This is camp issued a landlord with rental. Hear his roar, are going to receive civilian police and armed police force quickly up the stairs, hiding under the bed of a male suspect away. At this time was around 14:15. Watch villagers told reporters: "caught seven or eight before. "Subsequently, the police and the armed police to evacuate.

Villager Chen on the evening news, said: "I saw caught a total of 8 men, 3 women and 5 men, are very young. ”

  The reporter, "we dare not mess with them"

After the withdrawal of the civilian police, the reporters came to rental rooms concerned, rooms with three bedrooms and a living room. Living room cluttered, stuck on a bedroom wall with a couple of couples, and a few drops of blood outside another.

A neighbor told reporters that staying here a few people looked about 20 years old, "rental for about two months, usually feeling a bit fierce, we dare not mess with them. Police from their 3 7 machete was found in the House, and a crossbow. "The neighbors said, some time ago also saw several of the gang, holding machetes in the village streets.

  Police line

  Collection of 1 and 1 rubber bullet gun nail gun

7:30 P.M. last night, reporters connection of the police of the Public Security Bureau of Kunming Guandu station officials in the afternoon.

Guandu police, yesterday's event was triggered by a very small thing. A couple of months ago, involved a woman doing a clothing store to buy clothes in the tree camp, bet 100 Yuan deposit to the stores, said then on clothes. Now a couple of months past, yesterday said we should deposit the shop, clothing store owner did not agree. Then called on both sides, confrontation with a knife (no fight). The time of the incident, happen to have armed police on patrol nearby. Armed police patrols and police disposed of the Guandu event.

Police said the two gangs of armed confrontation, and he saw a civilian police and armed police force scattered and fled, the police and armed police making an arrest in the first. Eventually brought back more than 10 people under investigation, confiscated 12 knives, of which 4 involved, others were seized in a rental. Police also seized a nail gun (gun there nails) and a rubber bullet guns, rubber bullet guns, is what the villagers said "kid with the gun in his hand". (Spring city evening news reporter Zeng Peiyun Chen Zhu ling)

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Affray in Kunming

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昆明发生聚众斗殴事件 目击者称二三十人都有刀|聚众斗殴|昆明_新闻资讯
事发现场。都市时报 记者程浩 供图


  原标题:购物引纠纷小伙邀约数人寻衅滋事 警方共抓获10余人





























  记者走访 “我们平时都不敢招惹他们”






  官渡警方介绍,昨日的事件是由一件很小的事引发的。一两个月前,涉事的一名女性在大树营中营一服装店买衣服,当时押了100元押金给店家, 说随后来买衣服。转眼一两个月过去,女子昨日到店说要退押金,服装店老板不同意。随后双方都叫来人,持刀对峙(没有打起来)。事发时,附近正好有武警部队 在巡逻。于是武警巡逻部队和官渡警方一起处置了这一事件。

  警方称,两伙持械对峙的人,一看见有民警和武警便四散而逃,民警和武警第一时间实施抓捕。最终带回10余人接受调查,收缴了12把刀,其中 涉事的4把,其余的都是在出租房内缴获的。警方同时还缴获了一把射钉枪(枪内没有钉子)和一把橡皮弹枪,这把橡皮弹枪,就是村民口中所说的“小孩手上拿着 的枪”。(春城晚报 记者曾沛云 陈筑凌)

责任编辑:张淳 SN182

聚众斗殴 昆明


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