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published in(发表于) 2016/8/19 16:21:25 Edit(编辑)
Rio Olympic challenge human limits, the Championship was also informed that the mandate of heaven,

Rio Olympic challenge human limits, the Championship was also informed that the mandate of heaven,(里约奥运挑战人类极限,拿冠军还得知天命,)



Rio Olympic challenge human limits, the Championship was also informed that the mandate of heaven-the Rio Olympics-IT information

On August 15, the Olympic games about bad weather, winds, and rain and cause negative effects to a variety of events, or even delayed. Reported Rio weather that day called "athlete's nightmare". So, how large the impact of weather on sporting is it? Today, the information you came to talk to you "good weather"-the effects of weather and climate conditions for sporting events.

"The timing, location, and" is often said that the three elements of success in traditional Chinese culture. In ancient times used for fighting days generally refers to the season and weather conditions. Mencius said "opportunities vouchsafed, location is better and", but there is no denying that, at the top of the timing is crucial for the victory of the war. For the Olympics and other sports events, the "days" as well.

In General, the influence of meteorological conditions on sporting events there are basically three ways:

First is that bad weather will directly prevent the game, such as storms tend to limit all outdoor events, players games in temperatures above 35 c heat causes heat stroke.

Second situation is affecting athletes ' competition results. Athletes in case of high impact weather, competition results would be affected. August 15, the Rio Olympic women's discus competition, 10 of the 17 players who throw in the qualifying failure, a preliminary analysis was attributable to the heavy rains caused slippery in the discus throw. World Champion kabaleluo discus consecutive failures from Cuba, also not shown on level, only the 6th-place finish among the final qualifying.

Third class is the physical play, players can't play real or "overload" consuming its energy. For example, a temperature can improve energy efficiency; temperature is too high or too much humidity not only accelerates human perspiration, body heat distribution, also significantly reduced the amount of oxygen to breathe in the players, which affects the metabolism of carbon dioxide or physical play.

So, how specific weather conditions affect a variety of sporting events?


Effect of precipitation on the game can not be ignored. Heavy rain or rainstorm, was forced to stop in the rain for many outdoor sports. In addition, due to the muddy and slippery runway on rainy days, athletes run was effort, is not conducive to creating the best results. On August 15, bad weather, attended the Rio Olympics 110 m hurdles Jamaica player Carter as the slippery track in the game down, run out 14 seconds 01 results. But stewards ultimately agreed with the 4 players such as Carter and round, Carter ran out 13 51 seconds in the game, to advance to the next round. Also affected are the high jump, China's Xue Changrui said after the game, "the storm made me all wet, causing heat loss, chills, feeling cramps, was helpless. ”

Football as an outdoor sport, often carried out in heavy rain. Rainfall will increase the player's body burden and make the venue soft, shoes and ground friction force decreases, resulting in player speed decreased and increased the risk of slipping and falling. Maradona, La Mano di Dio "hand of God" world famous during the 13th World Cup match, a hurricane struck host country Mexico. Argentina Uruguay final 1/8, showers, such as injection, both technical and speed are greatly reduced. Not only that, but players too huge, the audience appeared 7 times yellow and 64 free kicks, scoring only 1.

Soccer in the rain (source network)


Sport in the hot weather, especially heavy items, is likely to cause dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and so on. Average dewatering at 3% will lead to decreased exercise capacity, heat illness symptoms. Marathon sports strength in all sports, which lasted the longest, body heat output Max. This heat if not promptly distributed, savings in the body can cause fever, such as heat stroke, fainting in severe cases can lead to death. In addition, the speed of middle and long distance running, cycling, horseback riding and horse-racing, Triathlon, tennis and other games are greatly influenced by temperature. Softball, baseball and beach volleyball game temperature is higher than 38 degrees Celsius will seriously affect the athlete's body.

Same as the temperatures are too high, too low a temperature will affect the competition results. When the temperature is too low, prone to colds, exercise-induced asthma; muscle activity does not open, tendon tension and stiffness, prone to sprains, stiff to move harmony. During the 12th Winter Olympic Games, due to the cold wave attack, sudden drop in temperature, 24% of the contestants had a cold, including veteran World Championships.

Air pressure

As the altitude increases, less pressure, air density decreases, resulting in lessened air resistance. Therefore, at high altitudes where the game can track performance. According to research, at an elevation of 2.3 km of Mexico City running hundred meters the result than on the Plains about 0.1 seconds, about 15 cm long jump, threw the discus to raise around 1.62 meters.

But in the higher altitude at the same time, will reduce the oxygen content in the air. Under 34-kilometer, the average increased by 1-kilometer, the oxygen content in the air about reducing 10%, hypoxic environment on the plateau make athletes faster physical exertion, fatigue easily, so bad for bikes, middle-distance and improve performance in endurance sports such as football. According to experts, under low pressure running ability and physical strength of football players decreased significantly.

Relationship between altitude, atmospheric pressure and oxygen content (photo from Xinhua News Agency)


IAAF rules: in the 200-meter track events and when events such as long jump, triple jump, are required to determine wind direction and speed. Where the average wind speed when the wind exceeds 2 m/s, calculated results, the record is not recognized. In addition, the triathlon individual results, where the wind speed exceeds 4 m/s, the Decathlon record is not recognized if individual wind speed exceeds 4 m/s, the individual results can still score and calculate the position, but this may not be with the score as official results. This is mainly for track and field events, such as sprinting, hurdling, downwind and upwind of different meteorological conditions, athletes ' performance varied widely. In 100-meter track events, for example, according to the study, if 10 seconds to complete the course in the wind players, in the wind at 2 mph could be completed in just 9 seconds at 84 and vice versa, in the case of wind at 2 mph takes 10 seconds 16. The difference in wind speed 4 m/s, 0.32 seconds, and hundreds of metres by 0.32 seconds at least decades of time.

Wind speed or direction of the mutation, canoeing, rowing, windsurfing, sailing, surfing and other water sports cause a lot of problems. The Rio sailing competition of the Olympic Games was forced to postpone because of the wind. In conditions of high wind speeds and heavier players likely to get good grades. Sailboats during a race, sailing wind when, prior to the game, referees, coaches and athletes guanfeng positioning.

Wind speed and wind direction are also shooting, archery, UFO Sighting target projects in the main meteorological factors. Studies suggest that in shooting competitions, when the air temperature is 15 ° c, atmospheric pressure of 100,000 PA, site altitude 1000 m, air relative humidity of 50% and wind, the weather conditions are most favourable. However, when the wind speed exceeds 4 m/s on the shooting range, and may be accompanied by sudden changes in wind speed and direction, shooting bullets will deviate from the bull's eye, shooting and other projects of great impact. A good shooters tend to be based on the wind, the wind, side wind and other weather conditions, the firing correction at any time.

Master sports athletes on the field is competitive, spot competitive level of play is not a big gap, many times the winner was just a little bit critical juncture is going to detail, less errors. Therefore, athletes on the basis of the solid foundation and if we can make good use of "good weather" benefits--try to avoid bad weather "foot-dragging" zoom in good weather "positive energy", is confident on the Court and race.

里约奥运挑战人类极限,拿冠军还得知天命 - 里约奥运 - IT资讯























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