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published in(发表于) 2016/8/18 8:02:34 Edit(编辑)
Russian media: f-20 changing engine, sharp drop in US military advantage,

Russian media: f-20 changing engine, sharp drop in US military advantage,(俄媒:歼20将换发动机,美军优势锐减,)



Russian media: f-20 changing engine, American advantage shrunk-f-20 changing engine, j-20-IT information

Recently, the Chinese air force publicly announced large strategic transport aircraft-20 after the first batch of service, another message indicates that Chinese-made fighter jet, flying at the suspected service painting appeared.

According to the Russia military information network reported that since the United States began developing a fifth-generation fighter F35, other countries are not far behind, following a fifth-generation fighter aircraft. Including China. China has achieved in this area? United States General Dawei·gedefeien very sharp criticism of China's f-20 aircraft, but first take a look at United States F35 fighter f-20 aircraft and China have similarities and differences.

According to exposure picture shows on the network, recently, two production Chinese-made fourth-generation stealth fighter – the f- -20 at the same time, heavy launch test flight. From the pictures it looks, the two f- -20 the gray coating, machines are no longer coated with "20XX" numbered air force labeled low-visibility livery.

The end of 2014, China two prototype f-20, before a total of four prototypes. Compared to the previous frame, the prototype has a number of improvements. Truncated canard and tail, improved air intake and leading edges of the wings. In addition, electro-optical sensor system is installed.

2015 integrating the f-20 's five kinds of airborne equipment, including navigation systems, shipboard radars, identification friend or foe systems, airborne electronic equipment control system and an open electronic equipment adjustment. China's Defense Ministry said individual combat, even the most advanced fighter aircraft may not be able to win, to win the future war, must meet together with other branches of the air force operations. Main properties of the f-20 is stealth, digital flight control system, integrated avionics, airborne active phased array radar, "unusual" mobility and oth's ability to hit the target.

? Users previously captured suspected production of the j-20 fighter test flight

Average of 5-6 years of flight tests on the new fighters tied to the force. For example, the f-10 first flew in 1998 and, by the end of 2003 to complete tests; f-10B first flew at the end of 2008, and entered service in until 2014; f-11B first flew at the end of 2003, serving the end of 2008; carrier aircraft flew f-15 in 2009, and production until 2014. While the f-20 is expected in 2017 will be equipped with full set of airborne equipment, and entered service.

Chinese stealth fighter f-20 is not necessarily designed for close range combat. In addition to its designer, no one knows its real purpose. But there is a saying that the aircraft was designed for the United States reconnaissance aircraft and tanker built for long-range missile attacks. These types of aircraft is essential for us, without them, United States Air Force's capacity to wage war in the Western Pacific will decline.

Although the f-20 Stealth fighters, but the volume is very large, up to 19 m, with some self-defense capability. The fighters have used to increase the stability of the canard, but good for their stealth, which means China has lagged behind in this regard.

There is also a question, j-20 equipped with Russian-made AL-31F turbofan engines, and the engines for the f-London-based staff say is not strong enough. F-20 is a big step in terms of making stealth aircraft in China. Interview before the Pentagon predicted before the fighters by 2020, but in fact a prototype appeared in the January 2011 United States very surprised.

Expected before 2017, China built the first squadron of f-20, and initial operational capability is formed between 2017 to 2018. 2019 and 2020 will produce more powerful turbofan-15 engine, used to equip the fighter.

In the area of fifth-generation fighter aircraft, far ahead of other Asian countries, China, India, and Japan and Korea fifth-generation fighter aircraft in service no earlier than 2027. In addition to the f-20, China also built the f-31 aircraft, has completed flight testing.

Apparently, in the modern area of aircraft does not fall behind the United States. While some United States military sources skeptical about Chinese fighter, but in fact, China has the ability and technology to defend their territory.

俄媒:歼20将换发动机,美军优势锐减 - 歼20将换发动机,歼20 - IT资讯














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