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published in(发表于) 2016/8/18 8:02:31 Edit(编辑)
OPPO sold a cell phone every 1.1 seconds, senior admits that “the Thorn“

OPPO sold a cell phone every 1.1 seconds, senior admits that “the Thorn“(OPPO每1.1秒就卖出一部手机,高层坦言仍“芒刺在背”,)



OPPO sold a cell phone every 1.1 seconds, senior admitted "Thorn"-OPPO Smartphone, R9-IT information

Is Huawei mobile phone mobile phone industry the envy of last year's "year-end Awards", this wind direction changed, OPPO became the best domestic mobile phone brand in China in the first half, analysts call it the company's strongest rivals in the high-end market.

Whether it is one or two cities or markets in villages and towns, or even Southeast Asian countries, first half of OPPO's achievements are remarkable.

Research firm Strategy Analytics shows that OPPO Smartphone shipments reached 15.2 million in 2016, Q2, 14% per cent of market share in China, an increase of 108% success. OPPO r and a series models by one or two lines of China urban and rural users. Every 1.1 seconds to sell a R9 phone's performance also broke the Huawei MATE7 mobile phone sales in China recorded last year.

? 2016 Q2 Smartphone shipments and market share

But for such a result, OPPO top but admits in a recent internal letter "Thorn". OPPO top wrote, "sometimes tossed and turned, unable to sleep, worried about OPPO pengsha by outsiders, more worried about friends forget the mission and the beginner's mind, there is no better products to feedback customers trust and support, and live up to customer expectations. ”

"Mobile phones belonging to high risk industry, competition is very fierce, little slip, may occur across the enterprise is a big problem. "OPPO, Wu Qiang, Deputy for business reporters, no matter what, OPPO Lu ice, people need to have a sense of crisis, and not forgetting the beginner's mind, to do, to do their part.

Every 1.1 seconds sold a cell phone

82 days sales of 7 million units, this should be a new record for the Chinese-made mobile phones.

As the mobile industry's "veteran", OPPO is a "heterogeneous". Unlike avid exposure millet, music video, founder of usual low profile makes the eyes of the media OPPO "mysterious" coat, but slow on the market made this brand reputation in the youth market.

"Buy iPhone SE buy the Huawei P9, or buy a OPPOR9? "Netizen recently sought advice on weibo. Results at the suggestion of friends, this user chose to R9. Friends of one of the recommendations was "SE 5S, the dimensions have been out." In the first half of the market, Huawei, OPPO Apple gradually lost domestic brands in China, led by China, the fastest-growing market in the past.

"In the 2500 stall, OPPO more than Apple, Samsung and Huawei, expects sales will be higher in the second half. "Sanofi-phone market analyst Li Rui said.

In the latest sanofi-Newsletter July report, the OPPO shares rose 0.4% to 15.7% (open market), and in June, the OPPO's share in many analysis report has gone beyond the Huawei becomes China's domestic mobile phone first.

It should be said that five years ago, OPPO competition in many Chinese-made mobile phones on the list is not a "threat", even its "blue army" glory on the most main resources on e-commerce, and millet sparring. But now, five years later, "OPPO" play has become the object of many brands first to follow, increasing "channel sink, marketing advertising" slogan seen in the promotional end.

But do people really read the OPPO mode?

When talking about OPPO marketing, the first thought is often the "Leonardo", "Li Yi feng" and "Yang Yang" this brand spokesman. In fact, is not known to the outside world, OPPO, in the past few years both on mobile technology or patent accumulation, ranking in the Chinese-made mobile phones.

According to the State intellectual property Bureau data, OPPO in 2015, issued a total of 3,338 invention patent applications. As of July 31, 2016, OPPO open patents and patent applications total 8,323; 7,255 applications for a patent for invention, utility model 867, design 201, invention licensing 783. Patents accounted for 87.1% of them, among the best in China-made mobile phones.

OPPO patent applications focusing on high value and high quality patents, such as photographs, VOOC areas such as Flash, rotate the camera-filled, OPPO simultaneously in Europe, the United States, China, Japan, South Korea and other regions to purchase a certain amount of SEP basic patents, defensive and ensure safe operation of the business. It is understood that in frontier markets such as 5G technology, OPPO has established a 5G research team, actively participate in 3GPP mainstream design and formulation of the ISO 5G standard, initially with international influence.

Another "other" performance, asset-light wind today, OPPO is in the mobile phone industry, construction of production plants, custom built by few marketing channels, custom built service system of enterprise, but it also ensures that the OPPO in all aspects of the initiative.

Prior to a visit, reporters see the OPPO all supply chain processes experienced by the production of a cell phone. For example, from the PCB (printed circuit board) chip to the finished product packing and warehousing, a high quality mobile phones all at once came down, it takes about 6 months. Meanwhile, OPPO has established special experiments focusing on materials, components, machine group, also through quality laboratory aging, environmental test, destructive test, life test, performance test, compatibility test, more than 130 more comprehensive testing, quality control also covers the product life cycle.

"Channel and marketing is the car's wheels, no wheels car cannot function, but lead the core motivation is the engine of the car forward. OPPO's engine is focused on doing what makes users feel the stunning products. "Wu Qiang said.

▲ VOOC Flash charging data cable plug test

"Concerned that OPPO is pengsha"

Although the situation is excellent, but it seems to top OPPO, OPPO now needs to continue to focus on products, rather than on sales.

"We feel that the OPPO when times are good, I like Thorn, worried about OPPO pengsha by outsiders, more worried about friends forget the mission and the beginner's mind, there is no better products to feedback customers trust and support, and live up to customer expectations. "OPPO executives said in the letter.

In fact, throughout the history of China-made mobile phones, kejian, Panda, soutec, Amoi these names represented the first generation of the glorious history of the Chinese-made mobile phones, but shanzhai surges, operators purchasing after the war, electric heat, not many survived, and some have been reduced to three or four line brand. OPPO has stuck, and live well.

But the cell phone industry is far more competitive than others.

As Apple market fell for the first time in 13 years, competition among mobile phone market into overdrive. In accordance with its consumer business CEO Yu predicted, "most phone brands will disappear in the future. "The patent lawsuit between Huawei and Samsung, indicates that the industry is entering the melee phase.

"Mobile phones belonging to high risk industry, competition is very fierce, little slip, may occur across the enterprise is a big problem. If a product's market share as high as 30% today, but as long as the competitors quickly follow up, launched a competitive product, the second day of our Cliff-drop in market share could, perhaps only 15%. This calls for the embattled regime, the crisis should have a sticky patch, treading on thin ice, ready to face the battle. "OPPO believes that in the next competition in the market may face greater shocks and challenges.

However OPPO founder Chen Mingyong pointed out that, regardless of the industry environment changes, focusing on user demand, according to the user needs select behavior, will not change, is the way to success in the future, "every innovation in the industry, including new technologies, new inventions, new applications, and break the old pattern of industry within a short time became a possibility. If you know the core needs of users, and the user has a clear and unique location in mind, will compete in the market place. ”

OPPO每1.1秒就卖出一部手机,高层坦言仍“芒刺在背” - OPPO,智能手机,R9 - IT资讯



调研公司Strategy Analytics显示,OPPO智能手机出货量在2016年Q2达到1520万部,占中国市场份额的14%,同比增长108%,成绩骄人。OPPO的R和A系列型号大受中国一二线城市和乡镇用户欢迎。每1.1秒卖掉一部R9手机的表现,更是打破了去年华为MATE7的中国国产手机销售记录。







“买iPhone SE还是买华为P9,还是买OPPOR9?”一名网友日前在微博上寻求意见。结果在朋友们的建议下,这名网友最终选择了R9。朋友们的其中一条建议是“SE都以为是5S呢,那个尺寸已经out了”。在上半年的市场上,以华为、OPPO为首的中国国产品牌让苹果逐渐丢失了中国这个以往增长最快的市场。




















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