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published in(发表于) 2016/8/17 12:22:21 Edit(编辑)
Phone time: CCTV rollup 102 malicious App,

Phone time: CCTV rollup 102 malicious App,(手机里的定时炸弹:央视汇总102款恶意App,)



Phone's time bomb: Rollup 102 malicious App-APP of CCTV, the Ministry, malware-IT information

IT information news August 17 message, intelligent phone increasingly universal of while, malicious App also with of increasingly rampant, like computer was infection has Trojans, dang malicious App was installation in phone Shang Hou, they on can gets user information, forced get system permission, even appeared malicious buckle fee, and effect phone normal using, situation, more let people troubles of is, these malicious App installation of way also very hidden, can through page, and II dimension code and and other program bundled download, And secretly installed in the background, sometimes difficult to uninstall and remove, once it has been installed on the phone, is a ticking time bomb.

At present, CCTV financial summary a malicious APP blacklist, a total of 102 malicious APP on the list. Lists the App mainly came from the Ministry in 2015 2016 APP blacklist published in the second quarter and the fourth quarter. It is worth mentioning that the Ministry to spare no effort in the fight against mobile phone malware App is, has issued a blacklist application software management system, strict management of app store software, every once in awhile will expose a set of mobile application blacklist. This CCTV financial summary-102, is from the Ministry of supervision.

If netizens see the 102 App, remember to stay away.

手机里的定时炸弹:央视汇总102款恶意App - APP,工信部,恶意程序 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月17日消息,智能手机越来越普及的同时,恶意App也随之越来越猖獗,如同电脑被感染木马,当恶意App被安装在手机上后,他们就可获取用户信息,强制获得系统权限,甚至出现恶意扣费、影响手机正常使用等情况,更让人烦恼的是,这些恶意App安装的方式也非常隐蔽,可以通过网页、二维码以及和其他程序捆绑下载,并在后台偷偷安装,有些甚至难以卸载和清除,一旦被安装在手机中,就是定时炸弹。



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