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published in(发表于) 2016/8/16 20:49:16 Edit(编辑)
Xinhua News Agency: driver torco insulting female passenger, punishment is condoned,

Xinhua News Agency: driver torco insulting female passenger, punishment is condoned,(新华社:优步男司机脱裤侮辱女乘客,从轻处罚就是纵容,)



Xinhua News Agency: driver torco insulting female passenger, punishment is condoned-Uber, excellent, car-IT information

According to media reports, recently in jiulongpo district of Chongqing, a male driver a word not insulting female passenger on the street , take off your pants and the buttocks. This step made on the the driver against a single week female passenger 8 order cancellation fee, refund decision, and argued that the drivers are not employees, have no employment relationship with platform, attempt left all responsibility.

This uncivilized incident is major problem in the driver, but the "take the Agency" step to shirk its responsibility? Under the interim measures for the administration of network booking taxi business service (hereinafter referred to as the methods) provided net about car platform of the company should ensure drivers have legitimate qualifications that provide services, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, according to the working hours, service frequency and other characteristics, various forms of labour contracts or agreements with the driver, specify the rights and obligations of both parties . Driver problems, Taiwan of course be partly to blame.

Torco alleged driver platform no employment relationship is to insult the conduct of drivers protect themselves to individuals, is in recognition of a driver suspected of illegal driving their business? If there is no employer-employee relationship is illegal business operations, is there no responsibility?

As a well-known multinational company, when passengers were insulted, actually made it so light, it's hard to understand. This is shirk their responsibilities, is to insult the passengers acts tantamount to conniving at it. The regulations, net about car platform of the company shall carry out the relevant laws and regulations, ethics, service standards, safety operation of pre-service training, and ongoing education. The torco driver of unprofessional, unethical, said there is no responsibility? How can use a platform there is no employer-employee relationship is to push it?

A glimpse of Leopard is evident, torco driver's misdeeds, net about driver quality car platforms away, let you step in the company's management problems away. Pre-job training and ongoing education of the signed driver shortage after the accident and rushed to push responsibility which is the disregard of the rights of consumers, is also not responsible for consumers.

Step is on the official website so drivers group: "some of them parents, some from the campus, many of them veterans, of course, your neighbors and friends." While the torco driver in Chongqing's lewd behavior, obviously with this kind of "warmth propaganda" against. Just banning orders a week, how to play on a driver's vigilance and alertness? Place where the passengers ' safety and dignity?

Publicity on the "customer-oriented" must not hang in the air. Passengers booking car button is pressed at the moment, hopes for your Web platform is a great trust. Take responsibility and recognizing their strict management platform driver, passenger convenience and safety, is a network of about car platform to be reckoned with great responsibility.

新华社:优步男司机脱裤侮辱女乘客,从轻处罚就是纵容 - Uber,优步,专车 - IT资讯








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