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published in(发表于) 2016/8/16 20:49:02 Edit(编辑)
Renren’s second-quarter net loss of $ 46.1 million: the Internet financial company,

Renren’s second-quarter net loss of $ 46.1 million: the Internet financial company,(人人网二季度净亏损4610万美元:转型互联网金融公司,)



Renren's second-quarter net loss of $ 46.1 million: the Internet financial company-IT-all information

IT news August 16, 2016 fiscal year that ended June 30 were released today by the company's second-quarter earnings. Results showed that the company's second-quarter total net revenues of $ 14.4 million, an increase of 38.5%. A net loss of $ 46.1 million, as compared to a net loss of $ 70.3 million in the same period.

Everyone's second-quarter display, advertising and Internet value-added services revenues of $ 7.6 million in 2015, representing a 34.7% increase over the same period. Internet banking net revenues of $ 6.8 million in 2015, the net operating income of $ 1.5 million in the same period, an increase of more than 350%.

Second-quarter earnings, Chen says, "everyone's second-quarter growth is in good condition and operating losses narrowed consistently. Will continue in the third quarter financial business with the Internet, broadcast operations on data and is expected to have a higher income growth. ”

Everyone expects net operating income in the third quarter of 2016 will be between $ 17.5 million to $ 19.5 million in 2015, representing a 98.4% to 121.1% per cent.

2012, Chief Executive of the company said Chen company to finance business transformation, Chen reiterated that view in early 2016, "everyone today is an Internet financial firm."

人人网二季度净亏损4610万美元:转型互联网金融公司 - 人人 - IT资讯






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