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published in(发表于) 2016/8/16 20:48:33 Edit(编辑)
Apple CEO Tim Cook: I have never been as optimistic as they are now,

Apple CEO Tim Cook: I have never been as optimistic as they are now,(苹果CEO库克:我从来没有像现在这样乐观,)



Apple CEO Tim Cook: I have never been as optimistic as they are now-Cook, iOS10-IT information

IT information news on August 16, today, once again Apple CEO Tim Cook's visit to China, SINA science and technology gives interview, Cook said in an interview, their optimism through like never before, and iOS with other systems an unparalleled user experience.

Cook was asked in an interview with Chinese handset vendors are using iPhone experience when using prices close to the iPhone 70% one-fifth, what you think? He said, iOS user experience than those An Zhuoji, and don't think the smart phone market is already saturated, because there are a lot of people around the world are using the function.

Apple faces two consecutive quarters of decline, in particular the decline in serious problems in China, although Cook said Apple sales channels were reduced, but in fact, sales, we increased sales to consumers. From the effect of the devaluation of the Renminbi, despite increased sales, but converted into dollars and then our income will be correspondingly less.

Cook also said: "with the iOS10 launch, I am very optimistic about the prospects for this fall, I am not as optimistic as they are now. ”

Following is the interview record:

Q: China smartphone market is already saturated, mobile phone hardware innovation closer to the bottleneck, coupled with the Android camp, particularly mobile phone manufacturers from China, the global economic situation is not good, they are sold for iPhone one-fifth close 70% of the iPhone experience. These issues on Apple iPhone seems to be the most important products are not good news, you have any solutions?

Cook: I think iOS user experience is far superior than those Android phones, but also in terms of customer satisfaction, both in China and in the world, we are all unique. China Mobile has done a survey, for example, use China Mobile's iPhone users ' satisfaction is the best, we have to do is pass iOS 10 superior user experience.

We believe that customers have many reasons to buy iPhone, and I do not think the smart phone market is already saturated. In fact there are a lot of countries around the world, there are a lot of smart phones in the market penetration rate is still very low. For example, India, its smart phone penetration rate is very low. India this year net 4G, China and India on the 4G development is very different. It is not hard to conclude that many other country the smart phones have a lot of space for development, because there are a lot of people around the world are using the function.

Reporter: Apple faces two consecutive quarters of decline, particularly in China drops, where do you think the new growth point of China?

Cook: I think there are two clear, 1th is in the last quarter, our sales channels is reduced, but in fact, sales, we increased sales to consumers. As we channel reduction, and therefore are not reflected in our income. 2nd is the devaluation of the Renminbi, as a multinational corporation of our revenues are denominated in US dollars, despite the increase in our sales, but converted into dollars and then our income will be correspondingly less.

Yuan devaluation 9% last year to 10%, this is going to affect us, I believe that with iOS 10 launched, I am very optimistic about the prospects for this fall, I am not as optimistic as they are now.

Smart phone there will be a cycle, there are peaks and troughs, for us, the peak was launched when boutique. We are focused on the long term, we don't care about some changes in a short time, we invest in a technology for years, not just the current market or the current one-quarter.

So opponents at all of the markets we work in, for example, DT (data processing) markets our rival is Microsoft, competitors in the Smartphone market, we also have many other, but we have to deal with is we want to produce the best, the best product.

Smartphones now on our lives more and more important, and the most important thing in life, many people like to use the best--smart phones were not used once a month. You use it every day, so it has become a partner of our lives, I believe as long as we hold on to the best products, our business will flourish.

Reporter: one last question, you Apple CEO has five years ' experience, the five-year work is consistent and you had imagined, have any memorable moments? You will work for their scores a few minutes?

Cook: score then leave it to others to do it, for I very much loved Apple, it should be said every day I spent at Apple, it is with great enthusiasm and great love to work. As Apple's CEO is the honor of my life, I'm Rong Xing to work at Apple with these excellent staff, regardless of the past week, past year or the past five years, this feeling has never changed.

苹果CEO库克:我从来没有像现在这样乐观 - 库克,iOS10 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月16日消息,今天苹果CEO蒂姆·库克再次访华,新浪科技对其进行了专访,在访问中库克表示,自己从来没有像现在这样乐观过,并称iOS有着其它系统无可比拟的用户体验。

采访中库克被问到,中国手机厂商正在用iPhone五分之一的价格出售接近iPhone 70%的使用体验,有什么看法吗?库克表示,iOS的用户体验要远远超过那些安卓机,并且并不认为智能手机的市场已经饱和了,因为全世界还有很多人正使用功能机。




记者问:目前中国智能手机市场已经饱和,手机的硬件创新接近瓶颈,再加上安卓手机阵营,尤其是来自中国的手机厂商,全球的经济大形势不好,他们正在用iPhone五分之一的价格出售接近iPhone 70%的使用体验。这些问题对苹果最重要的产品iPhone似乎都不是好消息,您有什么办法?

库克:我觉得iOS的用户体验还是远远要比那些安卓手机要优越的多,而且在客户的满意度方面,不管是中国还是在全世界,我们都是独一无二的。比如说中国移动做了一项调查,使用中国移动的iPhone用户的满意度是最好的,我们要做的就是通过iOS 10把用户体验变得更加优越。




人民币去年贬值了9%到10%,这对于我们也是有影响的,我相信随着iOS 10推出,我对今年秋季的前景非常乐观,我从没有像现在这样乐观。






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