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published in(发表于) 2016/8/14 18:42:55 Edit(编辑)
Beijing Tongzhou village demolition extort 100,000 was sentenced in the Court to plead guilty

Beijing Tongzhou village demolition extort 100,000 was sentenced in the Court to plead guilty(北京通州村官利用拆迁索贿10万获刑,当庭认罪)



Beijing Tongzhou village demolition extort 100,000 was sentenced in court pleaded guilty to

Beijing Morning News (correspondent Yan Fei) uphill village Committee Director Gao yongshun town, Tongzhou district, is responsible for this village demolition work duties, to pay 100,000 yuan to obtain the relocation agreement obtained from the Yu on the 100,000 yuan. Recently, the Tongzhou District Court to a non-national bribery the first trial sentenced to high a jail sentence of one year and five months.

49 GAO had been sentenced to detention for the crime of intentional injury for six months, suspended for one year. Identified by the trial, Gao served as yongshun town, Tongzhou district during the first uphill village village Committee Director, hail during the demolition of old village project is responsible for this village demolition work duties, you need to pay 100,000 yuan to obtain the relocation agreement by July 14, 2014, to the Shu, a request for 100,000 yuan. On February 9 last year, Gao was captured, and money have been seized.

GAO pleaded guilty in court, its high defenders asked for a lesser punishment and suspension.

The Court found that the GAO being a Director of the village Committee, used his position to obtain money from others, larger amounts, their actions constituted non-State workers taking bribes, punishable by law. High Court confession, repentance, all the money has been paid back, and may, where appropriate, punishment according to law. According to the specific circumstances in the present case, the GAO should not be probation. Eventually, the Court of first instance for non-State staff bribery punishable by a jail sentence of one year and five months, put on seizure of illicit money confiscated 100,000 yuan.

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-08-14 02:08:31
北京通州村官利用拆迁索贿10万获刑 当庭认罪

  北京晨报讯(记者 颜斐)通州区永顺镇前上坡村村委会主任高某,利用负责本村拆迁工作的职务便利,以需要交纳10万元才能获取拆迁协议为由向俞某索取10万元。近日,通州法院以非国家工作人员受贿罪一审判处高某有期徒刑一年五个月。




(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-08-14 02:08:31

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