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published in(发表于) 2016/8/14 18:42:50 Edit(编辑)
Australia raise trade barriers against China, or South China Sea-related

Australia raise trade barriers against China, or South China Sea-related(澳大利亚提高对华贸易壁垒,或与南海有关)



Australia raise trade barriers against China or the South China Sea-related | Australia | sea _ news

Original title: foreign media said Australia related to improving the trade barrier to China and the South China Sea

"Global times reported" Australia was once considered one of the countries with lower trade barriers with China, why start now "go back"? The New York Times said on the 12th that Australia's key economic sectors, such as mining and agriculture, heavily dependent on Chinese demand. But in recent years, with many Australia control one after another fall into Chinese hands, locals fear of China's growing economic clout. United Kingdom according to the financial times, China on the United States, Europe and Australia reached a record level of investment, underscoring Beijing's advantages as a driving force in global development and investment source, but it also caused Australia concern regulators.

Australia analysts, economic policy-making and strategic differences in the South China Sea issue in Australia are not unrelated. Australia people newspaper said on the 12th that China strongly hopes to push Australia further liberalisation of the investment, but in September last year after the Australian Government leadership, relations seem Dim. Australia Defence Ministry had previously approved the Darwin rented to private companies in China, but Australia's foreign investment Review Board and then offered to the State review of the implementation of the new infrastructure. Received Australian Government funded think-tank Australia Institute for strategic policy view, different from the former Prime Minister, Abbott, the Australian Government increased investor anxieties about China. The Institute analyst Jennings believes that Australian divisions in the South China Sea to some extent changed the decision of Australia to Chinese investment, "the starting point should be the analysis of China's Asia-Pacific macro strategies and what impact political activities." Reuters quoted a government source as saying that Australia rejected applications for enterprise mergers and acquisitions in China partly due to concerns "are becoming a geopolitical threat."

If the political conflict deepened, trade and economic development momentum will not be broken? "Politically cold heat" "dual track system" can be maintained forever? Researcher at the China Institute of international studies Shen Shishun 12th interview with reporter for global times said Australia's security dependence on United States military and United States echoes, published in the South China Sea and other issues with China opposing views can also be expected. But the refused on grounds of national security Enterprise mergers and acquisitions in the Australian power grid completely untenable, because China does not have Australia as adversaries or enemies poses no any threat to Australian Security. "If Japan, and perhaps understandable. ”

Shen Shishun, said political relations will affect economic cooperation if China and Australia had accumulated between, of course, have a negative impact on economic and trade exchanges. But Australia has been very focused on economic links with East Asia, China is Australia's largest trading partner, is expected to take the Australian side, continue to develop economic and trade cooperation with China, the "main line" should not change.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Australia South

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澳大利亚提高对华贸易壁垒 或与南海有关|澳大利亚|南海_新闻资讯

  原标题:外媒称澳大利亚提高对华贸易壁垒 与南海有关





责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

澳大利亚 南海


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