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published in(发表于) 2016/8/13 10:14:38 Edit(编辑)
6 years ago were negative: the iron where most do not fly,

6 years ago were negative: the iron where most do not fly,(6年前就被否定:巴铁这些地方最不靠谱,)



6 years ago were negative: bar iron the most unlikely place-bar iron, Airbus-IT information

Quartz Web site of China's "bar iron" were introduced, and several major risks in the project are listed. BA iron company, the site's repeated requests for comment, but was rejected. Following is the text:

About 40 years ago, the United States architect keleige·huojite (Craig Hodgetts) and laisite·woke (Lester Walker) envisaged in New York built a bus could be above the road in General.

This avant-garde ideas attracted some media attention, but has never become a reality-but, in China's Hebei province this month, there is a similar project were tested.

According to the Xinhua News Agency reported on August 2, headquartered in Beijing and Pakistan in Qinhuangdao on China's leading iron straddling bus (width height tram) carried out its first road test.

Design of bar iron and Huo Jite and Walker's ideas have some significant differences. Concept vehicles far more of the latter, you can take the regular bus load. But they all belong to the cross-vertical transport.

Bar iron requires specialized track, so more like a train, rather than a bus. Bar iron Middle Tower, sliding forward on the side rail on both sides. It receives power through track, winds of 40 to 60 km/h, using solar power. On the company's Web site says Bart's body is divided into four sections, each section is 12 meters long, total length of 58 to 62 m.

Some Chinese cities are crowded, bar iron's purpose is to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion. Netherlands according to the navigation company TomTom, 50 of the world's most crowded cities, 15 in China. And the rail company said this in 15 cities of zhoukou, Nan Yang, Shenyang and Tianjin, Qinhuangdao city, there is also a, BA iron, are scheduled to run pilot projects. France, and Brazil, and India and Indonesia and other countries have also expressed interest in the project.

But not everyone supports this project. Many people are worried about the bar iron security, especially in how it relates to the general traffic flow issues affecting each other. The view was also expressed, pilot cities already have sound transportation infrastructure, there is no longer any need to introduce bar iron.

We are going to some of these articles to Huo Jite. He is now Professor of architecture at the University of California, Los Angeles. Huo Jite says, this project seems to be "immature", some "fundamental problems".

In China some people also hold similar views on this project. When the concept of bar iron made in 2010, has caused some concern. Academy of urban planning and design, Tsinghua University Professor Yin Zhi recently said in an interview with the newspaper, this project 6 years ago as unrealistic was rejected by a panel of experts, and now it is back, back in the public eye.

Effect of BA tie on daily traffic, it concerns mainly the following aspects:

· Is too low. Space is only 2.1 meters below the bar iron. So trucks could be stuck. But we should also be realistic: people like in a variety of vehicles above everything, sometimes you want to guess.

· Space is too small. Iron across two lanes of traffic on BA. But sometimes the drive needs to turn, even if modest, turning space will be very small. If you need when turning, located just below the bar iron, that only good luck--particularly a lane with cars of the time. Huo Jite said small spaces have a psychological impact on drivers, making them feel nervous.

· Visibility problems. Know Web site, Qinhuangdao native, graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University, said Wang Zhaoyang, iron following in Pakistan, it is difficult to see road signs and traffic lights.

· Signal problem. How do drivers know Ba Tiezheng near to the back? If the traffic halt, they chose the wrong time to open the door, what could it be? If they wanted to be in the process of driving in normal road, then what?

· Turning problems. BA tie the corners have any effect? If the Palestinian side of the iron block, you just can't turn turn.

Bar iron availability there are a number of other issues:

· Cars is too high. According to the global times reported that railway experts from Tongji University in Shanghai Sun Zhang points out that bar of iron with a height of 4.5 meters, and most likely some of the flyovers occur collisions,

· Electric track is exposed. "BA iron needs at least 1500 Volt high voltage electricity," has 16 years of experience in railway engineer Wang Lin (sound) message, "says 1500 volt power rail is exposed, the equivalent of a time bomb. Track laying on the road is one of the most electric of outdated technology, 1890 is just with the power of the technology. ”

· Too heavy. Bar iron for a total of four cars, each weighing 15 tons and can accommodate 300 passengers. Assuming that each passenger an average of 70 kg, it is likely to exceed the total weight of 150 tons. Such a load at least will shorten the life of the highway.

· Operability. From the length of the iron, it can be difficult to turn, to be without prejudice to other vehicles turning more difficult. Not every city has a long straight without turning, just the need for public transport.

· Costs. Each Ba Tiecheng is approximately $ 4.5 million, this economy has been questioned by some people. Reconstruction of infrastructure (such as the need to enhance the height of some overpasses) requires use of urban construction funds. Simpler solutions are better? Huo Jite believes that BA iron should be selected, if you want to build in places where underdeveloped transportation system, such as Urumqi.

Quartz has invited Pakistani railway company to comment on these issues, but they refused.

6年前就被否定:巴铁这些地方最不靠谱 - 巴铁,空中巴士 - IT资讯


大约40年前,美国建筑师克雷格·霍吉特(Craig Hodgetts)和莱斯特·沃克(Lester Walker)设想在纽约兴建一种可以在普通道路上方行驶的巴士。






















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