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published in(发表于) 2016/8/13 10:13:40 Edit(编辑)
The bayanbulak grasslands, “the Swan girl“

The bayanbulak grasslands, “the Swan girl“(巴音布鲁克草原上的“天鹅姑娘”)



The bayanbulak grasslands, "the Swan girl"

Introduction: some people say is the Central Tian Shan in bayanbulak Crown jewels, and some say she is the story of Xiang. Here are a group of beautiful and graceful, modern fashion "Swan Lady" in bayanbulak telling stories to the world. By Xinjiang Internet Information Office and bazhou Communist Party Committee's propaganda Department jointly organized a large network of cultural activities "through loulan", accompanied by a unique to Mongolia, long came to Prairie horse paradise, the Swan home, the dream and the station.

Red Mountain Network News (correspondent Mei Zhijun) active in hejing County of Xinjiang in bayinbuluke grassland with a female college student guide, who was born in the Prairie, and after finishing college and from different cities places back to grassland. Her sweet smile, cheerful character and unique zest in grassland nomads, let visitors to remember the four seas, affectionately known as "the Swan girl."

"Swan girl" are all beautiful, versatile, expert, Ou Tuhong only cike from in Inner Mongolia career University tourism management professional; Ba Yeer too graduated Yu Xinjiang shihezi University nursing Professional; only cike also is a double degree students, graduated Yu Qinghai National University Mongolia language literature, and Administration Professional, bayincaicike graduated Yu North National University logistics management professional, from not said Mandarin, to a a people see people love of guide, also is visitors and colleagues are of happy fruit ; Ba Yier cike graduated from Xinjiang University of professional business management; and haxicaicike respectively, graduated from Xinjiang University and BAYIN School of tourism management, they only returned home and can really play professional advantages.

"The Swan girl", no matter where, raise their "Prairie mother" is the place of their dreams. After graduating from University, this group of Mongolians going children with a modern sense of style and youthful dreams came home, created for the beauty of the bayanbulak grasslands national 5 a-class scenic area blooming passion alive.

(Editors: Mo UN636)
2016-08-13 22:57:35



  红山网讯(记者 梅志俊) 在新疆和静县的巴音布鲁克草原上活跃着这样一支女大学生导游队,她们出生在草原,读完大学后又从不同的城市地方回到草原。她们甜美的笑容、爽朗的性格以及草原牧民身上独有的热情,让四海游客们记忆深刻,亲切地称她们为“天鹅姑娘”。





(责任编辑:张海天 UN636)
2016-08-13 22:57:35

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